The OnePlus Open has the best multitasking system I’ve ever used on any phone or tablet Open Canvas, as OnePlus calls it, is the most dynamic and intuitive multitasking system I've used, and I want it on all my other computing devices ...
XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. Crafted by Audentio More Info Contact Us (Forum Issues) Advertise Terms and ...
Hello XDA friends, my OnePlus 11 was hard-bricked and completely dead, but I managed to recover it through the SMT flashing method. However, my original IMEI and fingerprint data were lost in the process. I was able to restore the fingerprint by flashing the persist.img from another user ...
不过随着系统更新,一加逐渐解决了这些问题,印象里,最好的时候是 Android N 时期,不那么烫,开机也不用很久,续航也很好,经常能亮屏使用到 8 个小时之久。同时,XDA 社区也有 Sultanxda、FranciscoFranco、dianlujitao 等大神为一加贡献着好用的系统和内核,虽然一加不那么完美,但它折腾起来仍然挺有乐趣。 新的supersu,XDA网站推荐,实测3t open beta 9 root正常 xda推荐另外一种root工具,没有测试过 twrp-3.1.1-0-oneplus3t.img twrp版本,启动速度较慢。 ...
MSM Download Tool is the software used by OnePlus service center employees to unbrick the devices. and due to some great work by the developers at XDA, this tool is now available for everyone to use. Using this tool, we will be flashing the Android 11 OFP firmware to your device. While...
ROM操作系统版本:9.x Pie ROM内核:Linux 4.x 基于:LineageOS 创建于2019-06-21 最近更新时间2019-07-06 搬运自XDA论坛,感谢作者@PeterCxy XDA原帖: Arr6 said: This is a pretty good solution to keep the cyberpunk theme, which you want if you have this phone. I get 5g speeds on US T-Mobile and have no issues with texts and calls. If the play store was more stable this will be a solid solution. Props to @On...
这个ROM来自国外XDA论坛,跟 Pixel Experience有着极高相似度,无论是流畅的体验还是清新的UI。要说特色那就是他的可定制性很强(通知栏的图标和其他很多有趣的功能),很好玩就搬运给大家试一试。 这个ROM本身已经集成了底包,直接刷入即可。 这个ROM没有集成谷歌全家桶,需要的自己去刷入吧。骁龙845属于 ARM64 (https...
The OnePlus Open has the best multitasking system I’ve ever used on any phone or tablet Open Canvas, as OnePlus calls it, is the most dynamic and intuitive multitasking system I've used, and I want it on all my other computing devices By Ben Sin Jan 13, 2024 See More Today's ...