OnePlus Nord Watch 是该公司的第二款智能手表,也是第一款采用平价 Nord 系列的品牌。Nord Watch 是另一款中国智能手表 Haylou RS4 Plus 的更名版本,旨在成为印度市场的入门级产品。从视觉上看,Nord Watch 与 RS4 Plus 几乎相同,除了不同的“表冠”和表带设计。该设计似乎受到 Apple Watch 的启发,这在入门...
Great. I've been waiting for this global release. After reading this review, I'll pass for this watch and get something else like the Mi Band 7 Pro. The YouTube reviews are kinda biased for not pointing out the flaws. A watch that can't tell the time properly? 😂 ...
Review from OnePlus Store T161203*** OnePlus Nord N100 SIM Free Midnight Frost 4 GB RAM + 64 GB Storage Feb 15, 2021 bluetooth The phone is okay but there is a huge problem with bluetooth because N100 does not let me conect my smart watch (I've tried 3 diferents smart watches...
This has been missing on nearly every OnePlus wearable, except the ill-fated Nord Watch, which probably only had this feature because it was made by another company and then rebranded by OnePlus. It's not clear why such a basic and necessary feature for half of the world's population ...
OnePlus 即将推出的预算友好型智能手表被称为 Nord Watch,可能会有五种变体。91mobiles分享了描绘不同设计的图片。泄露表明手表将以两种形式出现 - 矩形和圆形。矩形选项将提供两种变体,而圆形选项将提供三种选项。渲染图描绘了一个圆形手表,右侧有两个按钮,显示屏周围有一个大边框,以及另一个没有所述边框的两...
如果 Sharma 是对的,一加 Nord Watch 将比之前的一加智能手表更像是一款“以预算为导向”的产品,并且不会运行谷歌开发的Wear OS软件——这不足为奇,因为一加手表也没有。越来越便宜 迄今为止,我们还没有听到太多关于 OnePlus Nord Watch 的谣言或泄密。上周,有传言称 OnePlus 有大量新设备正在筹备中,包括...
一加披露了Nord Watch的AMOLED显示屏的分辨率和亮度 OnePlus发布了有关9月底将在印度推出的OnePlus Nord Watch的信息,这是Nord品牌下的第一款智能手表。Nord Watch将配备一面长方形的显示屏,对角线为1.78英寸,分辨率为368 x 448px。这块AMOLED面板将达到500尼特的亮度,以提高在阳光下的可读性。从这张图片中你还可以...
OnePlus Nord Watch新型智能手表规格已曝光 将于本月底首次亮相 OnePlus 最近推出了名为 OnePlus Nord Watch 的新型智能手表,官方规格已经曝光,据传将于本月底首次亮相。OnePlus Nord 手表将采用 1.78 英寸 AMOLED 面板,支持 60Hz 刷新率、326dpi、500nit 峰值亮度和 368×448 分辨率。带有 100 多个可定制的在线...
它显示在蓝色选项中,表明设备可能会有蓝色和黑色(之前曝光)两种版本。 即将推出的产品有一个方形表盘,右侧有一个物理按钮,以及一个带扣机制的可互换硅胶表带。 OnePlus Nord Watch预计将于本月底首次亮相,这款智能手表已经被确认配备1.78英寸的AMOLED显示屏,分辨率为368 x 448像素,峰值亮度为500尼特。
My OnePlus Nord review unit came with a pre-applied screen protector that I took off. I do not know if the Nord will have a pre-applied screen protector in every region, though. Cases OnePlus sent me 3 cases in the reviewer kit for the Nord. I received the Sandstone Bumper case in ...