b2fb92f9 device product:PJD110 model:PJD110 device:OP5929L1 transport_id:2 PS D:\OnePlus 12\platform-tools> .\adb.exe reboot bootloader PS D:\OnePlus 12\platform-tools> .\fastboot.exe flashing unlock OKAY [ 0.028s] Finished. Total time: 0.029s...
第一步:解BL锁(BootLoader) 先下载网盘里的ADB工具包Android SDK Platform-Tool(platform-tools_r29.0.5-windows.zip) 解压文件到系统任意盘(我这以D盘为例) 打开手机设置—关于手机—版本号(此处连按七次 直至提示“您现在处于开发者模式” ) 返回设置—系统—开发者选项—打开“OEM 解锁”—打开“USB 调试” ...
Part 3. Backup OnePlus Phone Data Before Unlocking Bootloader When unlocking the bootloader of your OnePlus device, you should have a secured backup of the device data. You can work with theWondershare Dr.Foneapplication to address the concern. The program is a popular PC tool to address data...
第一步:解BL锁(BootLoader) 先下载网盘里的ADB工具包Android SDK Platform-Tool(platform-tools_r29.0.5-windows.zip) 解压文件到系统任意盘(我这以D盘为例) 打开手机设置—关于手机—版本号(此处连按七次 直至提示“您现在处于开发者模式” ) 返回设置—系统—开发者选项—打开“OEM 解锁”—打开“USB 调试” ...
fastboot flashing unlock 当然这个指令应该也可以的: fastboot oem unlock 然后会进入到一大段的提示界面,你可以通过音量键上下选择,下图第一行是不解锁,第二行是继续解锁的意思,按电源键确认: 我们是要解锁的,所以用音量键向下选择unlock the bootloader,就可以完成解锁了。
ONEPLUS 3 TOOL ALLIN ONEby mauronofrio 顾名思义,将OP3所需的功能统统集合在了一个工具里面,非常便利,包括咱们最常用的安装驱动(Install Driver),解锁BL(Unlock Bootloader),刷入Recovery,以及ROOT;SO这么好的工具,小的一人也不敢独享,赶紧为了大家便利原封不动的搬运了过来,希望大家搞机开心咯!
The current set of MsmDownloadTool for the OnePlus 8 is based on theday 1 update. The OEM is usingVMProtectas an obfuscation/anti-debugging measure while building the flasher, thus your antivirus might flag it as a potentially rogue candidate which is a typical case of false-positive detecti...
If you own a T-Mobile OnePlus 9, then use either of the below modded MSM Tool, depending on the region. As before, make sure that “sha256” is checked and “Use Lite Firehose is unchecked. If the T-Mobile version worked for you, then you’ll have tounlock the bootloader with the...
Although Sprint has yet to offer an official bootloader unlock tool for the OnePlus 7 Pro 5G, owners of the phone can opt foran unofficial methodearlier created by someone wanting to stay anonymous but shared with the community by Whoareyou. It is possible to flash a modified EU firmware af...
fastboot oem unlock 手机将wipe并重启 安装TWRP 1.将TWRP_3.7.0_13_09042023.zip.zip和Magisk-v27.0.zip版本复制到手机上 2.进入recovery.img所在目录 adb reboot bootloader fastboot boot recovery.img install TWRP_3.7.0_13_09042023.zip.zip和Magisk-v27.0.zip 重启 ROOT 打开Magisk,会提示升级,完成升级 ad...