Hello everyone, after using ace2v with nord 3 rom, i got some error 1. Can't login Telegram 2. Camera x1 force close 3. Some app not working because google play service can't certify devide ... These things are very annoying to my work I think you no need to try it. I'm tryi...
1年前 · 一加 Ace 2 / PHK110【素雅黑】送液态挂绳 此用户没有填写评价。 参数信息 品牌 ISIDO/艾思度 型号 一加Ace 2/长尾词1-0105 功能 防摔 保护套质地 液态硅胶 风格 简约/创意/ins风 颜色分类 PHK110【素雅黑】送液态挂绳 PHK110【古董白】送液态挂绳 PHK110【朱砂红】送液态挂绳 PHK110【薰衣草灰...
He owns a Xiaomi Mi 5S and a Xiaomi Mi6 and shares his apks on 4PDA. @Arnova8G2 - Xiaomi Mi 5, OnePlus 5T Arnova8G2 owns the Xiaomi Mi 5 and the OnePlus 5T. On top of porting new features and trying different things to improve photo quality, he makes BSG's work compatible ...