Improve your OnePlus 3T's battery life, performance, and look by rooting it and installing a custom ROM, kernel, and more.
红色方框中代表手机机型(一加一、一加二等等)和系统版本(氢OS、氧OS) ;黄色方框代表版本号,数字越小说明越早;蓝色方框代表更新日期,可以和黄色方框的内容相互印证。知道了这些小知识便可以很容易的区分,不会为这么一]长串而头疼。
The OnePlus 3T is the successor to the OnePlus 3. It offers upgrades in several areas, such as the processor (going from the Snapdragon 820 to the 821)...
you now have three Android 10-based custom ROMs for the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. There's, of course, an experimental, unofficial build of LineageOS 17.0 for both the devices, along with a stable beta for the MSM Xtended
turn to a custom ROM to continue receiving software support. OnePlus already went above and beyond byoffering Android Piefor its 2016 smartphones, but there's no chance that the 3/3T will get an official build of Android 10. Fortunately,Android 10-based custom ROMsare already in the works....
不做了,去坑5了,可能3t人少吧,---来自 OnePlus3T 10-15, 2017 12:420赞回复kevincc 他转战加5了。[e]1f602---来自 OnePlus5 10-14, 2017 20:570赞回复V1081530410292 这个你得问他本人吧,在这问有什么用?---来自 OnePlus3T 10-13, 2017 13:230赞回复EASY...
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Herodroid, 17 Jun 2017Thats why oneplus have one of the best custom rom support. ... morecheck your facts! flashing a custom rom, void warranty, i've a o3T, and i did want to flash a custom rom, even rooting your phone void your warranty ! Reply ? Anonymous f{X 19 Jun 2017 ...
本帖包含Oneplus3 3T官方的氢、氧os的所有版本,后续持续更新。欢迎收藏,以备不时之需。百度云里面包有很多,那么到底如何区分呢?以下图为例来说明红色方框中代表手机机型(一加一、一加二等等)和系统版本(氢OS、氧OS) ;黄色方框代表版本号,数字越小说明越早;蓝色方框代表更新日期,可以和黄色方框的内容相互印证。知...
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