Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max OnePlus 12 DesignDisplayPerformanceCamerasOperating systeBatteryAudioFeatures 85 points 95 points Why is Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max better than OnePlus 12? 25% better video recording quality (main camera) ?2160 x 60 fpsvs4320 x 24 fps Higher Ingress Protection (IP) rating...
弹幕 后可发布你的评论 0/30 稍后观看 正序 已经到底了~ 一加OnePlus 12 vs iPhone 15 Pro Max 236次观看 ·11月前· 发布于 广东 赞赏 一加 iphone 牛叔啊_ 1.1万粉丝 · 996个视频 一加OnePlus 12 vs iPhone 15 Pro Max#一加##iPhone#
iPhone 15 Pro Max VS OnePlus 12 一加12 图1图2变焦为 1x 图3图4变焦为 2x 图5图6变焦为 一加6x,果子5x 图7图8变焦为 一加6x,果子5x 图9为一加糊糊猫咪夜景 个人观感认为,一加12的苏味儿毕竟浓郁,光影感很强,很适合拍出自带氛围的照片。 果子的夜景就感觉略微偏暖色一点,但成片素质很强,尤其是5倍...
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max$ 617.44OnePlus 12 review Like it was yesterday - the OnePlus One was introduced in 2014, and all of a sudden, it's 10 years later, and we have the OnePlus 12. This anniversary edition of sorts has made it to our test... Read OnePlus...
别搞错了——智能手机设计的多样性令人惊讶。虽然 15 年前由第一代 iPhone 推广的直板设计确实仍然无处不在,但我们发现了一些试图从人群中脱颖而出的设备,并取得了不同程度的成功。决定最好的手机设计是一个纯粹的主观练习。我们可以运行测试来找出最佳手机电池寿命或哪款手机是去年最快的手机。换句话说,手机...
視訊電話: DVB-H電視: 電視機輸口 PIM和附加功能 時鐘 計時器 鬧鐘 計算器 匯率 電子記事本 日曆 飛行模式 SyncML 數據與傳真機 屏幕保護程序 主題 可交換的外殼 語音撥號 揚聲器 錄音電話機 振動 Apple iPhone 15 Pro 總體等級: 7,75 OnePlus 13 總體等級: 10,00 廣告...
TheiPhone 16 Pro Maxfeatures largely the same camera system as last year, with some new touches here and there. The main camera still uses the 48 MP sensor that was an excellent upgrade a couple of years ago but now relies on software magic to stay sharp. The 12 MP zoom camera comes ...
While Samsung, iPhone and Pixel are using the ne... moreI'm copy/pasting the below from someone more knowledgeable about these types of batteries. A key importance is charge cycles. As long as the LiPo is managed correctly, then it is safe, lighter and has many more charge cycles. If ...
6.7"vs6.1" 33.33% more megapixels (front camera) ?16MPvs12MP Has a fingerprint scanner ? SIM cards ?2 SIMvs1 SIM, 1 eSIM 2x higher refresh rate ?120Hzvs60Hz Scroll down for more details Which are the most popular comparisons? vs OnePlus Ace Pro vs Google Pixel 8 vs Apple iPhone 15...
OnePlus 6T vs iPhone XR - 谁的性能会更胜一筹?Apple的A系列芯片一直是有效的芯片,与高通的竞争对手保持领先地位。在这场战斗中,看起来Apple的A12 Bionic处理器 - 与iPhone XS和XS Max相同的处理器 - 可能在6T节拍内部拥有骁龙 845芯片组。然而,OnePlus提供了大量的RAM;至少是XR的两倍。虽然直接比较是...