尝试看看把这个目录下面东西全部删除了,可能可以修复闪退问题C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneNote xiaoSoldierA 托儿所 1 应该是有笔记本是创建在了 OneDrive 云上,同步失败导致的,改成本地“这台电脑”上存储就可以了 零落成泥 托儿所 1 我比你更严重,只要对大一点的页面进行修改,几秒之内就会闪...
OneNote 2016 is a computer learning course designed by experts to guide you through all of the functions and features of this sophisticated digital notebook program. Learn the features of OneNote with hours of lessons and hands-on exercises in a realistic simulation of the actual OneNote ...