请考虑使用分区组。 类似于硬盘上的文件夹,分区组将相关的分区保存在一起。 分区组可容纳不限数量的分区及其所有页面,因此您不会丢失任何内容。 要创建分区组,请执行以下操作: 打开或创建您要在其中创建一个或多个分区组的笔记本。 右键单击任何分区选项卡,然后单击“新建分区组”。 如果在 OneNote 中启用了垂直...
Type a name for the new section, and then press Return. New sections always contain one blank new page. You can start taking notes on this page, create your own, or move pages from other sections into the new one. Note:You can also group related sections using sec...
Meaningful page titles make it easier to find information whenever you search your notebooks. Note: You cannot currently create a page using a template in OneNote for iPad or iPhone. Create a new section Sections in OneNote are like the color ta...
Meaningful page titles make it easier to find information whenever you search your notebooks. Note: You cannot currently create a page using a template in OneNote for iPad or iPhone. Create a new section Sections in OneNote are like the color ta...
I would like to copy a page from my template section and rename it. For now, I merge sections because I only have one page in the template section. So I need to rename the page in the new section but I m not able to make it works! It changes the name in the ...
Body Page Create page in a sectionOperation ID: CreatePageInSection Create new page in a specified section. Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Notebook Key notebookKey True string A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed. Not...
The api url pattern: https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/myOrganization/siteCollections/{siteCollectionsId}/sites/{SiteId}/notes/sections/{SectionId}/pages. For more information, you can take a look at OneNote API documentation. Create a page in Quick Notes action is not supported in ...
ParametersbstrChangesXmlIn– A string that contains OneNote XML code that specifies the hierarchy changes to make. For example, if you want to insert a new section, you can add aSectionelement in the XML string to indicate where you want the new section to be added. Alternatively, if you...
What it is like to be a tester on the Microsoft OneNote team and day to day life as an SDET in Office. Plus a few tips for using OneNote and an occasional powertoy.OneNote 2007 Powertoy to change section colorsWay back in January of 2008 and again in 2009 I mentioned the colors in...
Whenever you create a new section or page, OneNote will open it as a blank sheet. However, you can make some changes to the page layout to make it feel more personal. You can personalize OneNote pages with grids or rule lines to provide a familiar writing experience. This feature is in...