With read-only status, you can only open the notebook and can’t make any changes to it. Step 1: Open File Manager on Windows PC or use the Windows + E keys shortcut. Step 2: Navigate to OneDrive > OneNote, and you will see all your stored OneNote notebooks in the list. Step ...
在最近的 Android 版 OneNote 更新之後,有些客戶報告某些筆記似乎標示為唯讀,或是誤移到錯位的節。 如果您的筆記受到此影響,請遵循本文中的建議步驟來解決問題。 背景 我們最近變更了 Android 版 OneNote 的核心程式代碼庫,以解決同步處理問題。 安裝更新之後,OneNote 會要求同步處理您...
After a recent update to OneNote for Android, some customers have reported that certain notes appear to have been marked as read-only, or that they have been erroneously moved to Misplaced Sections. If your notes are affected by this, please follow the suggested steps...
最近更新了 OneNote for Android 后,一些客户报告某些笔记似乎已标记为只读,或者错误地移动到了错放的分区。 如果笔记受此影响,请按照本文中的建议步骤解决问题。 背景信息 我们最近更改了 OneNote for Android 的核心代码库,以解决同步问题。 安装更新后,OneNote 将请求同步所有笔记。 如果在安...
Anonymous June 22, 2012 I cannot understand why they just didn't include this feature in Onenote itself. It would have been nice to right-click on any page/subpage and make it read-only. I store code snippets and things in which I wouldn't want to accidentally make typos later on.中...
获取OneNote 应用程序实例中打开的笔记本集合。 在 OneNote Online 的应用程序实例中,笔记本一次仅能打开一个。 只读。 TypeScript 复制 readonly notebooks: OneNote.NotebookCollection; 属性值 OneNote.NotebookCollection 注解 [ API 集:OneNoteApi 1.1 ]...
If you're unable to edit a OneNote Class Notebook/Staff Notebook inside of Microsoft Teams, and the notebook is in a read-only state, make sure the notebook contains the default sections – "Welcome", "Collaboration Space", "Content Library." If...
注意 If both top and filter are applied to the same request, the results include only those entities that match both criteria.selectGet the name, created time, and self link for all sections in the user's notebooks.複製 [GET] ../sections?select=name,createdTime,self ...
The oneNoteWebURL link opens the section in OneNote on the web. displayName String The name of the section. pagesUrl String The pages endpoint where you can get details for all the pages in the section. Read-only. self String The endpoint where you can get details about the section. ...
Set the read-only status on the .one files on the user's computer for files that are not checked out. Adhere to the same check-out, check-in, and save procedures as Scenario One. The following section describes, in general, how to implement this scenario. Although it does not provide ...