from os.path import expanduser Context information (for bug reports) Output ofpyinstaller --version:4.7(Tried with development version (5.0), too) Version of Python: 3.9 Platform: Windows (Turkish Q) (chcp 65001 [utf-8]) How you installed Python: Did you also try this...
I originally posted thison Stack Overflow. I'm trying to create a single-file executable for Windows from a Python application, usingpyinstaller. I downloaded the experimental Python 3 branch ofpyinstallerfromhere(scroll down and you'll find the download link, the file And I insta...
dependency graph... 5003 INFO: running Analysis Analysis-00.toc 5003 INFO: Adding Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls to dependent assemblies of final executable required by d:\coding\portable_python-3.9.4_x64\app\python\python.exe 5066 WARNING: lib not found: api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0....
This workaround was fine for some time until the recent VS update when it broke as you describe. From Benjamin Villalobos [MSFT] comment and link above, I was able to use this process to update the console app to use the MSBuildLocator to resolve this issue (and remove the app.conf...
Description of the issue pyinstaller --onefile fails when using a .spec file Context information (for bug reports) Output of pyinstaller --version: 5.0 Version of Python: 3.10.4 Platform: Windows How you installed Python: