429请求过多 (Too Many Requests)客户端应用程序已被限制,经过一段时间之后再尝试重复的请求。 500内部服务器错误 (Internal Server Error)处理请求时出现内部服务器错误。 501未实现 (Not Implemented)所请求的功能未实现。 503服务不可用该服务暂时不可用。 可以过段时间之后再重复该请求。 可能会有 Retry-After ...
这种情况是怎么回事..能解决吗,onedrive链接在浏览器搜索出现这种文字:Too many requestsSorry, there have been too many anonymous link requests for files and folders on this site. Please try again later.
HTTP/1.1429Too Many RequestsRetry-After: 3600 处理OneNote 笔记本 注意:虽然 OneDrive 存储 OneNote 笔记本,但不得使用 OneDrive API 处理 OneNote 笔记本。 应改用OneNote API。 持续文档验证 为了兑现我们的高质量文档承诺,我们制定了一个流程,以测试我们文档中的样本和示例是否有效,能否纳入每次签入。 我们将...
HTTP/1.1429Too Many RequestsRetry-After: 3600 Working with OneNote Notebooks Note:Although OneDrive stores OneNote notebooks, you shouldn't use the OneDrive API to work with OneNote notebooks. Instead, use theOneNote API. Continuous documentation validation ...
HTTP/1.1429Too Many RequestsRetry-After: 3600 Working with OneNote Notebooks Note:Although OneDrive stores OneNote notebooks, you shouldn't use the OneDrive API to work with OneNote notebooks. Instead, use theOneNote API. Continuous documentation validation ...
HTTP 복사 HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests Retry-After: 3600 Working with OneNote NotebooksNote: Although OneDrive stores OneNote notebooks, you shouldn't use the OneDrive API to work with OneNote notebooks. Instead, use the OneNote API.Continuous documentation validation...
HTTP/1.1429Too Many RequestsRetry-After: 3600 Working with OneNote Notebooks Note:Although OneDrive stores OneNote notebooks, you shouldn't use the OneDrive API to work with OneNote notebooks. Instead, use theOneNote API. Continuous documentation validation ...
Resolve HTTP request returned status code 429 (Too Many Requests) Resolve handling of maximum path length calculation Resolve 'The parent item is not in the local database' Resolve Correctly handle file case sensitivity issues in same folder Update unit files documentation link2.1.1 - 2018-08-14...
Unfortunately, this is the new minimum amount possible with the current logic, even when pooling as many access requests as possible every time by using the GrantAccessToMultipleFiles function. Since the requests only happen once per device (or additionally if new libraries are synchronized) I don...