Restart the sync process if it paused Connect the OneDrive account to Windows Complete setting up of OneDrive Verify that all folders you wanted to sync are selected An Office file needs your attention error message Check if the file path is too long Check if a duplicate file or folder with...
OneDrive sync and pending status look the same but are slightly different. According to the OneDrive website, sync and pending both involve downloading files from OneDrive while still holding off on doing so. A pending file hasn't been downloaded in OneDrive; in contrast, a sync is a file d...
7. Check if the file path is too long As per the guidelines given by Microsoft, your file path should not exceed 255 characters. If you have created different sub-folders or have a long pathname, then it might cause the OneDrive sync problem. This is one of the most overlooked yet effi...
Ensure that each target file size is no larger than 20 GB. If an error message appears and says "This file is too big to upload" or "Reduce the size of this file to upload to...", please compress the file/folder and try to sync again. Make sure the whole file path, including th...
Check you're not syncing too many files Applies to: If OneDrive sync seems to be stuck for a long time or the status shows "Processing 0KB ofxMB" it could be because you have a lot of files in your OneDrive or a lot of new files to be uploaded. If you have mo...
pathTooDeepFolder hierarchy depth limit reached. propertyNotUpdateableProperty not updateable. resyncApplyDifferencesResync required. Replace any local items with the server's version (including deletes) if you're sure that the service was up to date with your local changes when you last sync'd. ...
Check you're not syncing too many files Applies to: If OneDrive sync seems to be stuck for a long time or the status shows "Processing 0KB of xMB" it could be because you have a lot of files in your OneDrive or a lot of new files to be uploaded. If yo...
Solution 5: How to Sync Folder on Mac OneDrive 1. Launch "OneDrive." 2. On the welcome window of the app, you will see "Choose OneDrive Folder Location" to the bottom right. Click on it. 3. You can now select any folder on your Mac and designate it as the primary folder for stor...
OneDrive requires to specify which folders and files you want to sync.In my case I wanted to keep synched all files and folders. --> go ahead the sync start. You can check the status on icon bottom right, initially with double-arrow, but soon it disappears. In any of our...
My Desktop was moved into a OneDrive folder called Email Attachments: I saw a popup message from Microsoft Outlook that said "We can't sync this item because the path is too long." I thought that was weird because I haven't changed anything and I haven't received this error before. I...