notAllowed系统不允许执行此操作。 notSupported系统不支持该请求。 resourceModified正在更新的资源自上次调用方读取时已进行了更改,通常是 eTag 不匹配。 resyncRequired增量令牌将不再有效,并且应用必须重置同步状态。 serviceNotAvailable服务不可用。 过段时间后再次尝试请求。 可能会有 Retry-After 标头。
notAllowed系统不允许执行此操作。 notSupported系统不支持该请求。 resourceModified正在更新的资源自上次调用方读取时已进行了更改,通常是 eTag 不匹配。 resyncRequired增量令牌将不再有效,并且应用必须重置同步状态。 serviceNotAvailable服务不可用。 过段时间后再次尝试请求。 可能会有 Retry-After 标头。
notAllowed系统不允许执行此操作。 notSupported系统不支持该请求。 resourceModified正在更新的资源自上次调用方读取时已进行了更改,通常是 eTag 不匹配。 resyncRequired增量令牌将不再有效,并且应用必须重置同步状态。 serviceNotAvailable服务不可用。 过段时间后再次尝试请求。 可能会有 Retry-After 标头。
406Not AcceptableThis service doesn’t support the format requested in the Accept header. 409ConflictThe current state conflicts with what the request expects. For example, the specified parent folder might not exist. 410GoneThe requested resource is no longer available at the server. ...
将文件和照片保存到 OneDrive,随时随地从任何设备进行访问。立即了解详细信息并获得 5 GB 的免费个人云存储。
The File Picker v8 allows you to use the same functionality used within the M365 service within your solutions. Meaning as we iterate and improve the service, those new capabilities appear for your users!This new "control" is a page hosted within the Microsoft service which you interact with...
launched in 2007.This platform allows users to store and manage their data and files, including photos, documents, and other media types.The best thing about OneDrive is that everything is stored in an online cloud storage service, making your files available whenever and wherever you need them...
The macOS sync icons now look the same no matter which cloud service you use, and the macOS behavior might be new to you, so here are some useful tips: Unable to turn off files on demand From macOS 12.1, Files On Demand is part of macOS and cannot be tu...
This new "control" is a page hosted within the Microsoft service which you interact with via post messages. The page can be hosted either embedded in an iframe or as a popup. Just Show Me The Sample Code You can find thedocumentation for the 7.2 picker here. ...