Microsoft OneDrive 長久以來一直是雲端儲存空間的創新領導者,今天,我們很高興推出一項新功能,為您在雲端中的檔案提供更高的安全性。今年夏天,我們推出 OneDrive 個人保存庫,它使用身分識別驗證來保護您最重要的檔案。現在我們很高興與大家分享個人保存庫將提供給全球所有 OneDrive 消費者帳戶使用。此外,我們還要...
保护个人保管库中的 OneDrive 文件 个人保管库是 OneDrive 中的一个受保护区域,你可以在其中存储最重要或最敏感的文件和照片,而不会牺牲任何位置访问的便利性。 我们将指导你使用强大的身份验证方法或进一步的身份验证(例如指纹、面孔、PIN 或通过电子邮件或短信发送给你的代码)来设置个人保管库。 你在个人保管...
隨著線上威脅不斷地成長且愈趨複雜,擁有合適的防護和工具變得越來越重要,可協助保障您的裝置、個人資訊和檔案安全,以免遭受入侵。今天,我們很高興宣布透過 OneDrive 個人保存庫為您的 OneDrive 個人帳戶新增一層安全保護,進一步保護最具敏感性且最重要的檔案。 我們也將 OneDrive 獨立儲存空間方案...
Set up OneDrive Personal Vault Personal Vault is a special folder in your OneDrive that’s protected by an extra layer of security. You’ll need to set it up separately on each device where you want to use it. The first time you seePersonal Vaultin your OneDrive, you'll ...
在Win10上设置Personal Vault 要在运行windows 10的设备上设置OneDrive Personal Vault,请使用以下步骤: --单击任务栏的通知区域中的OneDrive图标。 --单击更多按钮。 --选择“解锁个人保险柜”选项。 --单击下一步按钮。 --单击允许按钮。 --确认您的Microsoft帐户密码。
When I go online to One Drive and select settings to disable Personal Vault I do not get the option to disable Personal Vault. I only get the authentication to verify identify over and over again. I have been trying to disable the Personal Vault for weeks with no success. Help appreciated...
When I go online to One Drive and select settings to disable Personal Vault I do not get the option to disable Personal Vault. I only get the authentication to verify identify over and over again. I have been trying to disable the Personal Vault for weeks with no success. Help appreciated...
In OneDrive folder, select [Personal Vault]①. When using Personal Vault for the first time, please read the following information of Personal Vault, and then click [Next]②. OneDrive needs your permission to continue, please click [Allow]③ to finish setting up. Microsoft needs to verify...
用户只需要一个Office365帐号,就能不受限制(存储容量限制内)的使用OneDrive Personal Vault。根据微软的策略,OneDrive免费或者标准100GB计划用户在收到保护的文件夹中只能存储最多3个文件。OneDrive Personal Vault在OneDrive文件夹中会启用独特的图标,因此用户不会因此搞混。 作者最新文章 发布会前夕Windows Core OS概念再...
In OneDrive folder, select [Personal Vault]①. When using Personal Vault for the first time, please read the following information of Personal Vault, and then click [Next]②. OneDrive needs your permission to continue, please click [Allow]③ to finish setting up. Microsoft needs to verify...