1 TB at your fingertips Protect your precious files, documents, and memories with OneDrive. You get 1 TB of cloud storage with a Microsoft 365 subscription, and can back up and share your files and photos with friends and family across all your devices. ...
If you still need help, shake your mobile device while you're in the OneDrive app or contact support through your browser. Contact Support For help with your Microsoft account and subscriptions, visit Account & Billing Help. For technical support, go to Contact Microsoft Support, enter your ...
注意:使用“<组织> 中的人员”链接共享到安全或 Microsoft 365 组时,收件人必须单击该链接,然后才能访问该项目。 在“其他设置”下,可以设置以下任何选项: “允许编辑”选项允许使用 Microsoft 帐户登录的人编辑他们有权访问的文件或文件夹。 如果共享的是文件夹,具有“编辑”权限的用户可以复制、移动、编辑、重命名...
Webex应用程序| 添加您的Microsoft OneDrive或SharePoint Online帐户 您可以从Webex应用程序中访问贵公司的企业内容管理系统。因此,当您在项目上以及在应用程序中分享想法时,您可以直接从空间继续处理共享文档。 添加帐户时,您可以直接从Webex应用程序空间共享和编辑Microsoft OneDrive或SharePoint Online文件。管理员授予您从...
您可以从Webex应用程序中访问贵公司的企业内容管理系统。因此,当您在项目上以及在应用程序中分享想法时,您可以直接从空间继续处理共享文档。 添加帐户时,您可以直接从Webex应用程序空间共享和编辑Microsoft OneDrive或SharePoint Online文件。管理员授予您从Webex应用程序中访问公司企业内容管理的权限。 如果您从服务商处订...
Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website https://products.office.com/onedrive/onedrive-for-businessKnown Issues and LimitationsThe following are some of the known limitations and file size constraints in place for the protection of the connector’s service. Kindly note that attempting to perform ...
So, is there any solution to helping link two personal OneDrive accounts on Windows 10/11 without encountering the above problem? Though many users have such a need, Microsoft has no plans to support multiple personal OneDrive accounts on the same computer. ...
OneDrive, when used in an organization with certain Microsoft 365 plans, offers additional functionality, most notably, the option to store files in SharePoint. With many organizations concerned with how employees are sharing files and storing them in the cloud, OneDrive is particularly attractive ...
在Webex 应用程序空间中共享 OneDrive 或 SharePoint Online 文件时,必须向初次共享后添加到该空间的任何人重新共享访问权。在您重新共享文件前,添加到该空间的任何新用户都没有访问权。 桌面 iOS Android 要更新通过Microsoft OneDrive或SharePoint共享的文件: 转至空间中的文件,将鼠标悬停在该文件上,然后单...
Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website https://products.office.com/onedrive/onedrive-for-businessKnown Issues and LimitationsThe following are some of the known limitations and file size constraints in place for the protection of the connector’s service. Kindly note that attempting to perform ...