This operation gets the content of a file using the path. Get file metadata This operation gets the metadata for a file. Get file metadata using path This operation gets the metadata of a file using the path. Get file thumbnail This operation gets the thumbnail of a file. The thumbnail...
{item-id} GET /groups/{group-id}/drive/root:/{item-path} GET /me/drive/items/{item-id} GET /me/drive/root:/{item-path} GET /sites/{siteId}/drive/items/{itemId} GET /sites/{siteId}/drive/root:/{item-path} GET /users/{userId}/drive/items/{itemId} GET /users/{userId}/...
This operation gets the content of a file using the path. Get file metadata This operation gets the metadata for a file. Get file metadata using path This operation gets the metadata of a file using the path. Get file tags This operation gets the tags of a file. Get file thumbnail ...
{"id":string,"parentReference": {"driveId":string},"@sharePoint.endpoint":string} Using this you can construct a URL to make a GET request to get any information you need about the selected file. It would generally be of the form: ...
{"id":string,"parentReference": {"driveId":string},"@sharePoint.endpoint":string} 使用此 URL 可以构造一个 URL 来发出 GET 请求,以获取有关所选文件所需的任何信息。 它通常采用以下形式: @sharePoint.endpoint + /drives/ + parentReference.driveId + /items/ + id ...
{"id":string,"parentReference": {"driveId":string},"@sharePoint.endpoint":string} Using this you can construct a URL to make a GET request to get any information you need about the selected file. It would generally be of the form: ...
正如Joel所指出的,Onedrive API还支持基于路径的寻址(除了基于ID的寻址)。所以你不需要文件夹ID。你可以...
Create a long-lived sharable link to view or edit a file. These are designed to be sent or shared with co-workers, friends and family, or other individuals. Get a direct link to the file which requires end user authorization. Get a file or folder ID for a file that ...
File sharing and management • Share files, photos, videos, and albums with friends and family • Get notifications when a shared document is edited • Set password-protected or expiring sharing links* • Access entire folders on the app even when there is no internet connection* ...