下载:64-bit 版本 OneDrive 同步客户端预装在 Windows 10 系统中,能够让你轻松地将文件同步到 OneDrive 上。它可以集成到系统的文件管理器中,因此管理 OneDrive 文件和文件夹的感觉和使用本地文件夹基本一样。要使用 64 位版本的 OneDrive,你需要一台带有 x64(技术上说是AMD64)处理器的 PC,运行 64 位版...
-os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 1809 (64 bit) -os/kernel: 10.0.17763.1457 (x86_64) -os/type: windows -os/arch: amd64 -go/version: go1.17.2 -go/linking: dynamic -go/tags: cmount PS C:\Windows\system32> 查看成功安装rclone后,输入rclone config,配置要...
按键盘上的win+x,然后按a键,即可调出windows powershell 输入rclone --version,可查看rclone是否成功安装。 WindowsPowerShell 版权所有(C)MicrosoftCorporation。保留所有权利。 PSC:\Windows\system32>rclone--version rclonev1.57.0 -os/version:MicrosoftWindows10EnterpriseLTSC20191809(64bit) -os/kernel:10.0.1776...
OneDrive on Windows 10 installed as Version 2022 (Build 22.065.0412.0004( (64-bit) is this right? I'm seeing this on settings/about, and I'm asking if this is right as I click the link and it takes me to the release notice page which says Rolling out 22.055.0313.0001 whi...
Several months ago, Microsoft announced its plans to introduce a 64-bit version of the OneDrive sync client for Windows. This is a default app that comes preinstalled with every consumer-based Windows 10 SKU. Since the very first release, the OneDrive sync app for Windows has been available ...
Download the OneDrive desktop app for Windows 8.1 for32-bitor64-bit. Windows 7 and earlier Download the desktop app for Windows 7 and earlier for32-bitor64-bit. Note:The OneDrive app isn’t supported on Windows XP. If you try to install it on a PC running Windows XP,...
Windows 10/11 (32-bit atau 64-bit) Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 Prosesor: 1,6 GHz atau lebih tinggi, atau komputer Mac berbasis Intel, atau PC berbasis Windows 10/11 ARM Memori: RAM 1 GB atau lebih tinggi Resolusi: Minimal 1024 × 576 Koneksi inter...
See below for their minimum requirements: WindowsMaciOSAndroidWeb browsers Windows 10/11 (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher, or Intel-based Mac computer, or a Windows 10/11 ARM-based PC Memory: 1 GB of RAM or ...
See below for their minimum requirements: WindowsMaciOSAndroidWeb browsers Windows 10/11 (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 Processor:1.6 GHz or higher, or Intel-based Mac computer, or a Windows 10/11 ARM-based PC ...
用户可以用OneDrive公司、教育或家用版帐号下载64-bit Windows版OneDrive。用户可在此下载64-bit OneDrive for Windows。微软表示,如果用户的Windows版本是64-bit,以及处理的是较大文件,最好使用64-bit OneDrive,因为64-bit Windows PC性能较强,64-bit应用程序也比32-bit存取更大内存。搭载X64处理器的电脑可以...