400错误的请求 (Bad Request)无法处理请求,因为格式有误或者不正确。 401未经授权 (Unauthorized)资源所需的身份验证信息缺少或无效。 403禁止访问对于请求的资源,访问被拒绝。 用户可能没有足够的权限。 404未找到 (Not Found)所请求的资源不存在。 405方法不允许 (Method Not Allowed)请求中的 HTTP 方法在资源...
400错误的请求 (Bad Request)无法处理请求,因为格式有误或者不正确。 401未经授权 (Unauthorized)资源所需的身份验证信息缺少或无效。 403禁止访问对于请求的资源,访问被拒绝。 用户可能没有足够的权限。 404未找到 (Not Found)所请求的资源不存在。 405方法不允许 (Method Not Allowed)请求中的 HTTP 方法在资源上...
400错误的请求 (Bad Request)无法处理请求,因为格式有误或者不正确。 401未经授权 (Unauthorized)资源所需的身份验证信息缺少或无效。 403禁止访问对于请求的资源,访问被拒绝。 用户可能没有足够的权限。 404未找到 (Not Found)所请求的资源不存在。 405方法不允许 (Method Not Allowed)请求中的 HTTP 方法在资源上...
The throttling limit is unique to each request and it varies based on the request count, memory used, and other important factors. In operations such as Delete a row, the key column field is case-sensitive. In case of multiple matches in operations such as Update a row, Delete a row ...
but recipients don't have access to it and have to choose the "request access" option, where then the user/sender can approve the request for access. The error msg., is "you don't have permission to give others access to file X" and the filename that is uploaded has red text (norm...
NOW ON DEMAND| OneDrive Office Hours | February 2025 Join the OneDrive product team live each month on our monthly OneDrive Customer Office Hours to hear what's top of mind, get insights into roadmap updates, and dig into a special topic. Each call inc... ...
Sometimes, when downloading files, particularly from SharePoint, there is a discrepancy between the file size reported by the OneDrive API and the byte count received from the SharePoint HTTP Server for the same file. Enable this option to disable the integrity checks performed by ...
这是由 萌咖 大佬使用 Golang 基于新的API写的一个效率很高的 OneDrive 上传工具 OneDriveUploader ,...
这是由 萌咖 大佬使用 Golang 基于新的API写的一个效率很高的 OneDrive 上传工具 OneDriveUploader ,...
Cannot upload file changes (free space issue, breaches maximum allowed size, breaches maximum OneDrive Account path length) Cannot delete remote file / folder Cannot move remote file / folder When a re-authentication is required When a new client version is available Files that fail to upload ...