The associated download for this article contains a sample app, MyPhotoAlbum, a XAML Windows Store app containing two pages. The first page, FolderPage, lets you browse your directory structure and shows the results in a GridView. All of the Live SDK calls are wrapped in the OneDrive...
Windows phone 8.1的Live SDK下载: 进入页面 选择 适用于 Windows、Windows Phone 和 .NET 的 Live SDK 下载 ,安装即可。安装后再引用 Live SDK 。别急,还没完。 将应用程序和应用商店关联: 在工具栏 应用商店中选择 将应用程序和应用商店关联 。按着提示完成即可。
Photo comments not backup to OneDrive I frequently add comments/descriptions to the pictures in my Android and iPhone, however after spending a few nights backing up my albums, I found out only the photo files are uploaded and no comments are included. Is there a way to upload with comments...
s not the case then deselect all the services and then just select Google Photos. Here you can select the photo albums that you want to export. By default, it including all the albums from your Google Photos but you can expand the album list and pick which albums you like to include. ...
Tip:If search doesn’t find anything, but you know of at least one photo from that location, open the photo’s detailed information paneto see how Bing maps has recorded the location, and use that as your search term. Create your own album ...
Item (Name, ID, download url, parent reference and so on) Folder (child count) File Audio (album, artist, bit rate, duration, title and so on) Image (width, height) Photo (camera make and model, taken date time) Video (duration, bit rate, width, height) ...
Select the item you want to move. (In List view, check the circle that appears to the left of the item when you hover the pointer there; in Tiles or Photo view, check the circle in the upper-right corner of the tile when you hover the pointer there.) You can also s...
•将上面代码中带有可选 type 参数的 /picture 与下列值之一结合使用来获取照片或视频的图片:small、normal(在未指定 type 参数时为默认值)、album、thumbnail 或 full。例如,若要获取照片的缩略图,请使用 PHOTO_ID/picture?type=thumbnail。•通过使用 VIDEO_ID/video 获取视频的内容。
Related:How to Automatically Back up Windows Folders to OneDrive One exception is that when you sync your phone's photo album to OneDrive and then delete an image from the album in the OneDrive account, the image stored on your phone won't be affected. In other words, if you upload your...
{"album":"string","albumArtist":"string","artist":"string","bitrate":128,"composers":"string","copyright":"string","disc":0,"discCount":0,"duration":567,"genre":"string","hasDrm":false,"isVariableBitrate":false,"title":"string","track":1,"trackCount":16,"year":2014} ...