The OneDrive client built into Windows 10 1803 is supposed support silent configuration of OneDrive, but it isn't working for us. We have created a group policy with the setting: "Silently configure OneDrive using the primary Windows account" The user is logged into Windows using a Windows dom...
Environment is Windows 10 Pro 1903 all updates current, OneDrive 20.169.0823.0008, DC is 2019 Std 1809. I got the GP files from the PC I am testing so I know the GP template is current. There is a Group Policy linked to an OU with the computer in it.
"external-10":"Learning Room Directory","microsoft-learn-blog":"Blog","windows":"Windows","i-t-ops-talk":"ITOps Talk","external-link-1":"View All","microsoft-securityand-compliance":"Security, Compliance, and Identity","public-sector":"Public Sector","community-info-center":"Lounge","...
Windows Virtual Desktop Pooled Multi Session windows 10 Domain Controllers on Prem and in Cloud AD Connect with password hash, single sign on, and Hybrid Azure AD Join Group Policies for OneDrive to silently move users to one drive sync app, move know folders Seemless sign on ...
Data Points - EF7 Migrations: Not New but Definitely Improved Windows 10 - Using the OneDrive REST API in a Windows 10 App The Working Programmer - How To Be MEAN: Test Me MEANly Game Development - Babylon.js: Advanced Features for Enhancing Your First Web Game ...
Working with Files While the GetAsync method will return a file’s properties, it doesn’t return the file itself. The only way to get a file from OneDrive is by downloading it. The Live SDK for Windows Store apps handles this by creating a download background task,...
Now, on Windows (Windows 10 and later) and macOS (macOS 13 Ventura or later) devices running the OneDrive sync app, you can continue working with the OneDrive web app even when you are offline or lose Internet connection with the help of OneDrive offline mode. You can vi...
Microsoft OneDrive 可以在所有裝置上備份、保護、同步處理和存取您的相片和檔案。OneDrive 應用程式可以讓您與朋友和家人查看和分享 OneDrive 檔案、文件、相片和影片。您可以使用應用程式自動備份手機的相片和影片。從5 GB 的免費雲端儲存空間開始,或升級到 Microsoft 365 訂閱以獲得 1 TB 的儲存空間。
Offline working also usually resulted in conflicting versions although you know you are the only person working on the file. I used Dropbox before my company has this new policy of Microsoft subscription... I would NOT recommend Onedrive and recommend Dropbox instead; it is much much better...
Now is the time to create the application and to add the OneDrive SDK. First, using Visual Studio, create a new UWP application for Windows 10. The application doesn’t have to have the same name as the one you reserved in the Windows Store, but it is good practice to use the same ...