随时随地使用 Microsoft OneDrive 完成更多工作。从 Windows 10 phone、计算机(PC 或 Mac)或所使用的任何设备找到并分享你的文档、照片和其他文件。随时随地使用 Office 移动应用保持工作高效并与其他人进行协作。适用于 Windows 10 的 OneDrive 应用使你可以在出行和忙碌时
When you take advantage of our free download of Microsoft OneDrive for Windows, you can access the backbone of Microsoft’s cloud services. This download gives you access to a platform that shows you all the files you have saved on OneDrive and allows you to move them around within your fol...
As you can see, it’s easy to implement the App Folder in any of your applications! Downloading a File What use would OneDrive be if you couldn’t upload or download files? In this section and the next, you’ll see how to perform this critical operation, which ...
Download the desktop app for Windows 7 and earlier for32-bitor64-bit. Note:The OneDrive app isn’t supported on Windows XP. If you try to install it on a PC running Windows XP, you'll get a "OneDriveSetup.exe is not a valid Win32 application" error message...
For more information about OneDrive in Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1, see OneDrive Help for Windows 8.1. Download the OneDrive desktop app for Windows 8.1 for 32-bit or 64-bit. Windows 7 and earlier Download the desktop app for Windows 7 and earlier for 32-bit ...
OneDrive 同步应用使用 Windows 推送通知服务 (WNS) 以获得最佳性能和电池使用时间。 确保允许从网络访问OneDrive 使用的终结点。 若要查看有关配置同步应用的所有建议,请参阅建议的同步应用配置。 检查用户是否已拥有OneDrive 同步应用 如果组织中的计算机Windows 10运行,则它们已安装新的同步应用。 如果计算机安装了 Of...
Make files available offline in a OneDrive mobile app On a mobile device, you can make files available offline, which is similar to downloading files. From the OneDrive app in iOS, Android, or Windows 10 phone, look for the Offline icon ( ...
更新:2025-02-08 10:42大小:101.3M 类别:系统.文件.安全系统:Android 该软件没有对应苹果版 云盘微软官方推出云存储(Microsoft OneDrive)在安卓设备上的客户端程序,您可以免费线上储存个人的相片、影片、文件等资讯, OneDrive和您日常使用的各种装置均可搭配使用,包括电脑、Mac、Android、iOS 以及Windows Phone 及...
如果以上方法都无法解决问题,用户可以考虑卸载并重新安装OneDrive。在Windows系统中,可以通过“控制面板”的“程序和功能”来卸载OneDrive,然后从Microsoft官网下载最新版本并安装。在Mac系统中,可以通过“应用程序”文件夹将OneDrive应用移至废纸篓,然后重新从App Store或Microsoft官网下载并安装。请注意,这些...
Reinstall OneDrive for Windows The OneDrive app comes with some versions of Windows 10 and 11. Select the Start button, type Programs in the search box, and then select Add or remove programs. Under Apps & features find and select Microsoft OneDrive. Notes: Microsoft OneDrive is a backup ...