要达到这个地步,就需要计数的行为,数学家把这行为称做“一对一映射”(one-to-one mapping)。当我们用手指计数时,是把唯 … book.jd.com|基于23个网页 2. 一一映射 微积分英语词汇_百度文库 ... 单射 injection一一映射one-to-one mapping双射 bijection ... ...
<iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication> 元素的 <oneToOneMappings> 元素将单个客户端证书一对一映射到单个用户帐户。 可以使用一对一证书映射来代替更常用的身份验证方法,例如 Windows 身份验证或基本身份验证。备注 一对一证书映射不同于多对一证书映射,后者可将多个证书映射到单个用户帐...
On the complexity of mapping linear chain applications onto heterogeneous platforms For such applications, which are representative of a broad class of real-life applications, we can consider one-to-one mappings, in which each stage is... A Benoit,Y Robert,E Thierry,... - 《Parallel Processing...
implements oracle.toplink.eis.mappings.EISMapping An EIS one-to-one mapping is a reference mapping that represents the relationship between a single source object and a single mapped persistent Java object. The source object usually contains a foreign key (pointer) to the target object (key on ...
Hibernate One-To-One Mapping 我们先来看看这一对一映射可以用在什么场景。 需求:录入用户基本信息,并且可以扩展用户扩展信息 那么我们可以知道用户基本信息和用户扩展信息是形成一 一对应关系的 关系图如下: one-to-one mapping 表创建SQL: CREATE TABLEBaseInfo( baseinfo...
<hibernate-mappingpackage="org.hibernate.test"><classname="com.danny.hibernate.IdCard"table="t_idCard"><id name="id"><generatorclass="native"/></id><property name="cardNo"/><one-to-one name="person"fetch="join"/><!--fetch值为select时,可以实现懒加载--></class></hibernate-mapping> ...
在这之前,我们需要为HbmMapping写AsString()扩展方法:用于输出HbmMapping对象的Mapping,用于学习测试使用,具体代码参考这里。 在Domain设计中,关联关系有单向关联和双向关联两种,那么一对一我们可以分为单向一对一关联(Unidirectional one-to-one)、双向一对一主键关联(Bidirectional one-to-one (primary key association...
Some topological theorems are given which are similar to Darboux's Theorem and from one of which (Theorem 1) Darboux's Theorem is easily deduced. Our theorems are like Darboux's Theorem in the sense that we assume a certain mapping to be one-to-one on the boundary of its domain and con...
So, we have seen all4 different ways to create one-to-onemapping supported in hibernate. I will suggest you download the source code and play with it. Happy Learning !!