Access to the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal, Canada. Hotel accommodation between 17 and 21 September 2024. Catering which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The cost of travel to and from Montréal. Your flight to and from Montréal must depart from and return to o...
OneYoungWorld世界青年领袖峰会 2017-10-10 19:39 来自iPhone 6s Plus awesome @liana娜娜 @OneYoungWorld世界青年领袖峰会 Such a life changing experience! Had a great time at one young world summit! Hopefully can bring back every inspiration to China! 2哥伦比亚·波哥大 1 1...
One Young World identifies, connects and promotes young leaders, giving them a global platform. The next One Young World Summit will take place in Munich, Germany, 3 - 6 November 2025. Learn more Action on the Global Goals: Funding Available!
in line with SDGs 4 – Quality Education and 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth. As a longstanding partner of One Young World, they are proud to support the Deloitte One Young World Scholarship 2019, which will enable 10 outstanding young leaders to attend the One Young World Summit in Lon...
As a longstanding partner of One Young World, we’re proud to support the Deloitte One Young World Scholarships 2024 which will enable 5 outstanding young leaders to attend the One Young World Summit in Montreal, Canada on 18 – 21 September 2024. ...
EY Japanと一般社団法人One Young World Japan Committee(以下、OYW)は、経済産業省の協力のもと、アクセラレータープログラム付きのピッチコンテストを共同開催します。日本の若手女性起業家が成長し、世界を舞台にチャレンジするきっかけを構築することを目指しています。
The application process for the fully funded scholarship in Canada is online. There are four sections of the One Young World Summit Scholarship application form. The first section is about you, the second is application questions, 3rd is additional information, and 4th step is to fina...
世界青年领袖峰会OneYoungWorld也被称作“青年版达沃斯”,东京作为OYW2022年的举办城市,“我们共同期待着在明年迎接全球青年领袖”,东京都知事、东京奥组委主席小池百合子表示如果你也想参与明年5月在东京举办的青年盛会,请私信我们提交官方报名,也可以联系OYW的官方伙伴@潮宿 提交申请哦 @东京2020年残奥运会 @日本国家...
Application Process: The application process for the One Young World Summit is online. Tap on the Apply Now button below and select the scholarship you are qualified for. Fill every one of the necessary spaces cautiously. Give all your actual individual data, e.g., name, degree, college ...
The DSM Brighter Living Foundation is proud to offer four impactful young leaders to participate in the One Young World Summit 2023. The DSM Brighter Living Foundation | One Young World Scholarship will support young entrepreneurs making a local or global impact on agri-food systems in one of th...