One World Observatory 29,188 reviews #16 of 2,550 things to do in New York City Architectural BuildingsLookoutsObservation Decks & Towers Open now 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Write a review About There are a million things to experience in New York City, but there’s only one ...
Your pass also gives you access to many more attractions in New York, so don't forget to check them out. Tip: visit mid-morning or in the evening for the shortest wait times. Toast to a day of sightseeing with an exclusive discount off One Dine's (One World Observatory’s premier ...
Positioned on top of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, on levels 100, 101, and 102 of the 1,776 foot tall One World Trade Center building, One World Observatory™ provides unique, panoramic views of New York City, its most iconic sites, and surrounding waters. ...
最近几年,纽约的观景台真是层出不穷,而One World Observatory绝对是最值得一去的地方。通过安检后,乘坐电梯直达102层的观景台,101层还有咖啡厅和餐厅,可以一边享用美食一边欣赏纽约的地标建筑。你可以看到帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心、自由女神像🗽、布鲁克林大桥、曼哈顿大桥、威廉斯堡大桥等等。与其他观景台不同的是,这里...
One World Observatory New York, NYDelivering a personalized welcome moment to each visitor, pulled from a world of data. The Ask Welcome visitors to New York City's most anticipated new observation deck in a way that not both makes them feel special and highlights their connection to all of...
One World Observatory Address: 117 West St, New York, NY 10006, United States Please refer to themapfor assistance Terms & Conditions Confirmation You'll get confirmation within minutes. If you don't see any confirmation, reach out to our customer support. ...
新世贸大厦One World Observatory简介 世贸大厦(One World Trade Center)“9·11”事件之后时隔13年,耗资38亿美元,历时8年的建筑时间,共104层,世贸中心大厦一号楼(One World Trade Center)再度拔地而起,于2014年11月3日正式投入了使用。新的世贸中心就在旧遗址旁建成,大厦修到1368英尺(约合417米)便戛然而止,...
纽约世贸中心遗址 911中双子星座被毀了,这个新世贸大厦是在世贸遗址上修建的,取名One world Observatory,意思世界眺望台,高度541米共102层,是目前西半球第一高楼,世贸双子塔另外一座遗址没有建任何东西,建了一个 - 地球街遛子于20230723发布在抖音,已经收获了632
世贸中心一号大厦( One World Trade Center )是世界上最高的建筑之一,现在您可以凭此One World Observatory门票直接翱翔到顶端,欣赏纽约市及其他地区令人惊叹的壮丽景色。 OWTC由大师级建筑师David Childs (迪拜哈利法塔)设计,是一座壮观的玻璃和钢铁巨石,高达1,776英尺。 如果你觉得外面的世界令人印象深刻,请等到你...
One World Observatory 29,197 New York City, New York Joined in May 2015 Cj M 0 contributions Dinner a 1000ft up ! Visited here after visiting 9/11. It was a beautiful clear night and the views were amazing, useful to have the tablet device which...