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新世贸大厦One World Observatory简介 世贸大厦(One World Trade Center)“9·11”事件之后时隔13年,耗资38亿美元,历时8年的建筑时间,共104层,世贸中心大厦一号楼(One World Trade Center)再度拔地而起,于2014年11月3日正式投入了使用。新的世贸中心就在旧遗址旁建成,大厦修到1368英尺(约合417米)便戛然而止,...
世贸中心一号大厦( One World Trade Center )是世界上最高的建筑之一,现在您可以凭此One World Observatory门票直接翱翔到顶端,欣赏纽约市及其他地区令人惊叹的壮丽景色。 OWTC由大师级建筑师David Childs (迪拜哈利法塔)设计,是一座壮观的玻璃和钢铁巨石,高达1,776英尺。 如果你觉得外面的世界令人印象深刻,请等到你...
突出介绍重要时刻、著名人物以及可以从 One World Observatory 俯瞰的一众经典地标的精彩多媒体展示。该项令人叹为观止的展示由 145 幅画面组成。您必定会从中获益良多! ■ 您乘坐最高点 SkyPod 电梯在 47 秒内爬上了 102 层楼。这次惊人的旅程揭示了纽约市从人迹罕至的土地到当今非凡的摩天大楼森林的转变。 准...
One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the US and the observatory offers 360 degree views for miles. The history and the legacy is awing, as you think about how this tourist destination would not exist had it not been for 9/11. I went on a cl...
宾客将观看两分钟左右令人激动的视频演示,将鸟瞰图、延时抽象的纹理和图案结合在一起,三维呈现出纽约生动生活的独特节奏和活力。 主要观景台--观景台的第 100 层 宾客将体验 360 度全方位景观,将标志性景点、周围的水域和城市内外的全景尽收眼底。空中门户(Sky Portal)--主观景台的特色就在于空中门户。 宾客会站...
Three to four million people are expected to come to One World Observatory during the first year. While the views are the stars of the show, designers have added other attractions, reports CBS News correspondent Anthony Mason. Every trip to the top of the One World Trade Center starts with...
One World Observatory Highlights This New York viewing platform sits 102 stories high within the One World Trade Center. The Skypod elevator takes just 47 seconds, telling the story of the city’s transformation into the skyscraper metropolis it is today. Spot New York’s top landmarks from th...
The One World Trade Center observatory officially opened to the public Friday, May 29, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The observation deck sits atop the 104-story skyscraper at the former site of the Twin Towers and is expected to become one of Manhattan's top tourist attractions. ...
One World Observatory™ is located at One World Trade Center in the Northwest corner of the World Trade Center site and is bordered by West Street to the West, Vesey Street to the North and Liberty Street to the South One World Observatory ...