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Barrels was Drake's father, and when he was a Marine Officer, Drake wanted to become just like him. However, when Barrels became a pirate, he was known to physically abuse his son. Drake remained with his father as he continued to see the past good of the man, but his loyalty ...
Like some of his subordinates,[12] Who's-Who wears a mask over the top half of his head down over his nose, which comes centrally to a slightly raised edge and point. It is red in color and bears two horns (fitting over his natural horns) that are connected to the mask's sides ...
She was so precise and focused on her work, which is why she never looked up and dropped dead from a heart attack when the sidewalk she was posted in front of rumbled like Jurassic Park as a herd of sweaty, half-naked Eddie Valiants, Lou Grants and Damien from Means Girls (original ...
How much tequila did I drink? Too much was the obvious answer. Feeling like this was going to make it hard to focus on the statistics midterm this morning. Fortunately, they’d had practice dealing with hangovers, had a routine that started with ginger ale. Slowly sitting up, they ...
1 – Leave that crappy job right now. Let them find someone else to melt cheese on tortilla chips for 2.20 an hour. Put a bottle of tequila in your bag and walk out the door. Think what that will feel like, Em. Walk out now. Just do it. 回复 30楼2013-01-02 14:59 ...
Mike was from Bumble (aren’t they all?) and fortunately for him Javelina offered him tequila tasting while I enjoyed my queso. And lots of it. I’ll admit. I wasn’t really attracted to the guy but his smile on his profile drew me in and I wanted to learn more. To counteract th...
Random One liners REST API. Contribute to iamkaushal/one-liners development by creating an account on GitHub.
Not quite a week ago, I had my right foot amputated and dropped that news on many of you somewhat abruptly. Sorry about that. As I observed at the time, there's just really no way of easing into a conversation like that. If you missed this and you're won
Guess Their Answer game answers: This table consists all the answers, Use the search feature of the table to quickly find the required level. If your level isName a Disney PrincessThen you can search for ‘Disney‘ Or ‘Princess‘ any word from the title. Try it! to quickly find and wi...