Tone Generator is capable of generating noise, frequency sweeps, and other signal types commonly used for signal-path testing and calibration. Use the Scope plug-in in conjunction with Tone Generator to analyze return signals at the end of the signal path being tested or calibrated. Need some e...
When it comes to naming your child, you may be seeking a name that embodies your hopes and dreams for your little one. In the realm of boy names, simplicity has captured the hearts of many, and one-syllable boy names offer a distinct charm. Take a look at our list of popular, unique...
Names Non-Combat NPCs Outdoor Descriptions Plot Hooks Plot Twist Puzzles Quests Random Misadventures Random Monster Room Descriptions Session Start Solo Dungeon Generator Towns Traps Treasure Drops Villains (BBEG) Village Map Wilderness Travel World ...
Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia. Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still supported. Removes usage of Renderscript. Fixes logspam on app startup of repeated stacktraces relating to "Failed resolution of: Landroi...
In transportDec_OutOfBandConfig of tpdec_lib.cpp, there is a possible out of bounds write due to a heap buffer overflow. This could lead to remote code execution with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android-10...
Invoice Pigeon: Simple one time and recurring invoice generator for Stripe Invoice Pigeon GitHub Integrations Directory: Find and install GitHub integrations in one place Integrations Directory · GitHub SIMPLY: Spend time doing what you love and less time looking for it SIMPLY Personal Lists...
If you scrape your knee, do you ask for a bandage or a Band-Aid? Successful companies like Band-Aid have one important thing in common: a strong brand positioning strategy. In fact, their brand names have become generic terms for all similar products in their niche. A strong brand ...
He has gone to unusual lengths in pursuit of his muse, for one. “We went camping for a week in the Angeles Forest — set up a generator and a tent so we could track in the woods,” says producer James “Malay” Ho (who has become Malik’s main collaborator, Malay believes, d...
React. Quad III energy (reactive energy when reactive energy < 0 and active power < 0; inductive generator) 6. React. Quad IV energy (reactive energy when reactive energy < 0 and active power ≥ 0; capacitive load) 7. App. import energy (apparent energy when active energy ≥ 0) 8. ...