Pregnant Women of Foreign Nationality as One of Specified Expectant Mothers at a Japanese Perinatal CenterShunji SuzukiInternational Medical Journal
Also, early sexual debut had adverse impacts on the wellbeing of pregnant children and increased children’s risk of multiple lifetime sexual partners. Conclusions This study demonstrated that socio-demographic characteristics of children (e.g., age, sex, education, and marital status) were ...
Let’s use the example of Lily to see three different parenting styles, how they look in action in childhood, and how they play out in that child’s adult life. Lily Two-year-old Lily has a head full of dark, silky hair and big brown eyes. She has a happy, energetic nature, espec...
I haven’t been quiet about commonsense gun reform on this blog. The mass shooting in Parkland, Florida two weeks ago is heartbreaking—and, shockingly, commonplace in our country. It is appalling that there is so little political will to do anything about it. I find myself asking, what ...
Most women with only one ovary have about the same chance of getting pregnant as a woman with two. The ovary must still...
Values are mean I SD for two to three litters per group; eight to 10 samples per group. The offspringprenatally treated with TRH. TRH+DEX, or saline demonstrated no difference in the morphometry of their lungs. TRH/DEX LESSENS SURVlVAL IN HYPEROXIA 41 1 Fig. 4. Comparative incidence of ...
In 1983, Günter Dörner and colleagues performed a study investigating whether there is any relationship between maternal stress during pregnancy and later sexual identity of their children, interviewing two hundred men about stressful events that may have occurred to their mothers during their prenatal...
Maury Povich, who continues to post record ratings on his hit syndicated talk show Maury, returned Sept. 13, 2004, for a seventh season of NBC Universal Domestic Television's daily one-hour series. As always, Povich will continue to explore the compelli
Thus, interventions such as health education to urban mothers are required to promote initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth. The finding of this study showed that mothers who had three or more infants have about twice higher odds of initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of ...
No longer could a male claim, “I don’t know if it is my child.” Even still, agencies have been known to go to great lengths to avoid getting fathers involved and have even moved pregnant mothers to states that do not require a father be served a notice of relinquishment. Adoptive ...