You're just 5 minutes away from accepting recurring payments and one-time payments online. Explore for Free. No credit card required.
有新手翻译成one time payment!外企经理听后摇摇头,表示这样的同学错得不像样啊! “一次性付款”有两个经典的表达:第一个:one-off payment;第二个表达:lump sum payment。很多同学都表示,我过了六级,为什么没有见过?只能说你学英语不...
主要保租来的车所造成己方驾驶及乘客的伤亡(保医疗费用及车内的财物损失),为一次性付款(One-time payment)。一般出国都会 …|基于120个网页 2. 一次性付费 ...签署了和解协议。诺基亚称,RIM向公司缴纳专利税的形式包括“一次性付费”(one-time payment)和“后续付费”(on-going p… ...
payment名— 支付名 · 款项名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) In addition, a number of Member States that did not optforone-time paymenthavenevertheless made ...
The official premium themes cost anywhere from $100 to $500, and that’s a one-time payment. You can also find third-party themes from marketplaces like ThemeForest for more in the $50 range. Expected cost for a theme: $0 to $180 (one-time payment). Shopify apps The Shopify App St...
aThe words you wrote to me makes me feel maybe you are the one true soul mate I am looking for. 词您给我写了牌子我感到可能您是这一个真实的知己我正在寻找。[translate] a 1. One-time payment___。 1. 一次性payment___。[translate]...
Easily schedule one-time or automatic payments to your TD Bank Credit Card. Learn more about this service and how to get started.
Use of the one-time payment (OTP) cards can use multi-factor authentication where one factor is a biometric technique. A process can include generating an OTP card number based on a first encryption algorithm, an expiry date, and a security code based on a second encryption algorithm. A ...
You can authorize and capture payment at time of checkout or after checkout is complete. Below are details for different one-time payment scenarios. Capturing full order amount at checkout Authorizing full order amount at checkout Partial authorization or capture at checkout ...
Customers in India who have been impacted by the Reserve Bank of India's recurring payment regulation can now make one-time payments for their GitHub subscriptions and services.