aJapan sees a lot of seismic activity because it sits in an area where one tectonic plate—a shard of the earth’s crust—slides under another. At certain points, the two plates get stuck and strain builds up. When the strain overcomes the strength of the rocks, the plates jerk forward...
aEarthquakes usually occur where tectonic plates meet. About 30 of these plates cover the Earth. They are several miles thick and huge in area—most of the Pacific Ocean sits on just one plate.[translate]
While there were many days of triumph and tragedy that contributed to the mosaic of my life, it is not hyperbole to say that the release of the movie “Bull Durham” not only shaped many of the words I use in conversation, but it also set me on a Don Quixote like quest to land a ...
As the “Oberlech region” moved northwards, the tectonic plate it sits on collided with the European plate. This collision created the Alps and also pushed the former lagoons up to be part of the mountain ranges. Still today, the gypsum holes evolving. As green as the rest of the hills ...
Just 50 years ago, no one knew why the Earth has mountains. Now we do. This is the story of how we figured it out - and how we keep learning.
To me, tectonic plate movement invokes leverage, it may be from compressive force, but that in itself is invoked by leverage of some description. It might be the eruption of a volcano, which, whilst a geological phenomenon, invokes leverage, the energy comes from somewhere to...
Volcanic landforms, such as the weathered volcanic vents in the Alb’s foothills, are mostly without any information boards on site that explain the volcanic formation to visitors. This applies among others to the Georgenberg, a striking hilltop on the outskirts of the city of Reutlingen with a...