One Story A Day【小学版12册】| 免费分享 One Story A Day 小学版12册,分别对应一年的12个月,365个英文小故事 书中的故事题材丰富,生动有趣。话题涵盖了自然、历史、科学、文化等各个方面。许多故事来自学生的…
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One Story A Day小学三月 下载积分:50 内容提示: 3-1 First Flower in Spring Outside our kitchen window, there is a tree. No one in our family knew what kind of tree it was when we first moved in. Early that spring, the tree started to grow little buds and yellow petals. But there...
2-1 Getting a Pet Yan loves animals. He wants a pet. There is only one problem. His family lives in a very small apartment. He begs his parents to let him have a puppy. But his father says, “A puppy is small. But puppies grow into big dogs. We have no space for a dog.” ...
One Story A Day小学二月(加拿大).docx,2-1 Getting a Pet Yan loves animals. He wants a pet. There is only one problem. His family lives in a very small apartment. He begs his parents to let him have a puppy. But his father says, “A puppy is small. But p
One Story A Day小学九月(加拿大).docx,9-1 Lemonade Stand Jeannie put up her sign. It said, Lemunaid: five cents a glass! Her neighbour, Mr. Brown, was walking by. He stopped and said, “You didn’t spell lemonade right. It should be spelled l-e-m-o-n-a-
“Hello my friends. Im going to a place where we have lunch every day. Find me there.” Eddy scratched his head. “Where is that?” he asked. “Its the place where we eat,” said Jenny. “Its the cafeteria!” They ran to the school cafeteria. And yes, there he 24、 was!
加拿大DC教育出版社的原版故事书 《One Story A Day(365 天故事)》顾名思义,“一天一个故事”。这套书分3个阶段,每个阶段12本,每本30个故事左右,共1095个故事,让孩子一月一本书,一天一个故事,每个故事都由加拿大的配音专家配音,语音地道、吐字清晰,可以当磨耳朵的听力材料,亦可以看绘本读,当阅读材料...
首发于One story a day 切换模式写文章 登录/注册One story A Day 1-02.Fun at school 一颗红心向太阳 何以解忧?唯有暴富!改编版本,改成了孩子喜欢的人物,哈哈 其实是她小时候我们经常喊的小名:pipi Pipi goes to school three days a week. She learns about letters and numbers.She plays with her ...
《One Story A Day》小学版,官方给出的建议年龄是8-10岁做自主阅读用。 在题材上,这个阶段的故事主要有:小科普文,如汽车的发明;打字机的历史等;事件描述,在沙滩上走丢、丰收苹果等;人物(动物)描述,院子里的松鼠、乔治的弟弟;...