Ten years ago, then-prep basketball phenom Brandon Jennings decided not to take the one-and-done college route to Arizona and instead opted to play professionally in Italy for a year with a lucrative shoe contract in hand. Looking back, the eight-year NBA veteran who most recently played in...
1922: First chimichangas are invented El Charro Cafe, the oldest Mexican restaurant in Tucson, Arizona, invented the chimichanga in 1922. Thedeep-fried burritowas created by accident when founder Monica Flin plunged a burrito into bubbling fat, creating a delicious mistake many have enjoyed ever s...
Not all healthcare professionals are eligible to offer telemedicine services reimbursable under Medicare. Those who are eligible include registered nutrition professionals, registered dietitians, clinical social workers, clinical psychologists, clinical nurse specialists, nurse midwives, physician assistants, nurse...
She is no stranger to making meals that kids and adults will love. She grew up in Mesa, Arizona as the youngest of ten kids. She can always be found in her kitchen with music playing and cooking with her kids. She published her first cookbook in 2014. She loves party food that gets...
Welcome to Punsteria, where puns and jokes reign supreme, and humor is the law of the land. It’s your one-stop hub to explore, enjoy, and erupt into laughter! - punsteria/punsteria
We waived goodbye to the last of the Saguaros as we dropped down toward Blythe, then stopped for a ritualistic Frosty at the Wendy’s located at the last Arizonan Truckstop where the price of gas is 50 cents cheaper than just over the line. As we reengaged with Interstate 10 and its...
“Lake Placid is going to be totally different from Arizona,” our friend James warned me, adding, “I just want to give you the 911 on that.” I laughed and said it was scary for him to be ‘giving me the 911‘ instead of ‘the 411‘. Indeed, I already knew that Ironman Lake ...
The Hopi People of Arizona eloquently described this predicament when they encountered institutionalized individuals for the first time. They referred to the institutionalized Europeans who arrived on their shores as ‘two hearted’, as they recognized that whosuccumb to greed and ego, ...
El Charro Cafe, the oldest Mexican restaurant in Tucson, Arizona, invented the chimichanga in 1922. The deep-fried burrito was created by accident when founder Monica Flin plunged a burrito into bubbling fat, creating a delicious mistake many have enjoyed ever since. 1923: Mars releases Milky Wa...
Arizona Cardinals: CB Aeneas Williams For a team that has been around for more than 100 years, the Cardinals surprisingly have few great options.Larry Fitzgeraldwould be an excellent player to bring back to the receiving corps, especially if and when the team trades awayDeAndre Hopkins, but un...