" cried William Bradford. November wore away, dark and wild, and with set teeth December came. Back and forth went the exploring parties. A skirmish with the Indians took place; but "it pleased God to vanquish their enemies and give them deliverance, and by his special providence so to ...
The fact that standards exist for food in Italy and are enforced by everyone up and down the food chain from the farmer to the waiter and the old guys at the next table is one of the biggest joys of my life. We should all care more about what the quality and ‘rightness’ of goes ...
‘Interior recruits had little knowledge of how to take care of themselves in such emergencies. In case of dire thirst, placing a small pebble in the mouth will help, a bullet is better, a piece of copper, if obtainable, is still better, and prickly pear is the best of all. Of course...
Shana: I am having an excellent reading week, I just finishedThe Relentless Moonby Mary Robinette Kowal, which I devoured, and loved. Now I’m in the middle ofThe Care and Feeding of Waspish Widowsby Olivia Waite. I’m not a fan of the cover, but thankfully the book is a relaxing ...
The “eye” may have been with us from the beginning. It goes so far back. Where and from whom I do not know. The single eye, pyramid shapes, and rays of the sun all seem to be inter-related and seen together in many cultures, including the U.S. The Eye of Providence rests on...
He’s especially proud of the pro-life poems that his son, Mark, wrote from his heart in the eighth grade—and as Providence would have it—his granddaughter Kaitlyn, Mark’s daughter, recently wrote from her heart in the eighth grade as well. Celebrate Life has happily agreed to publish...
providence offer memory literary knife indicate fully formed features explained edge coffee brother vocational studied smaller separate secret sam rights rich reduced procedure nice maximum junior judge expression election economy differences desire camp atmosphere writers trust traditional tone title plus picked...