One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing Ting-Chun Wang Arun Mallya Ming-Yu Liu NVIDIA Corporation (a) Original video (b) Compressed videos at the same bit-rate (c) Our re-rendered novel-view results Figure 1: Our method can...
英伟达发表了一篇人脸视频压缩技术的论文One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing。从视频中提取面部表情以及头部姿势这些关键信息,再叠加第一帧画面,就对原视频做出准确还原。和传统的全画面压缩技术H.264相比,实现相同画质只需要1/10的带宽。$Zoom Video通讯(ZM)$$声网(API)$$英伟...
论文:One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing 标题:One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing 非官方复现代码:GitHub - zhanglonghao1992/One-Shot_Free-View_Neural_Talking_Head_Synthesis 效果: 0 摘要: 我们提出了一种神经说话人视频合成模型,并...
原有方法只能使用固定视点,可以做到free-view。 可以用于人像视频的编码,减少10倍的带宽。 方法 We propose a pure neural synthesis approach that doesnot use any 3D graphics models, such as the well-known3D morphable model (3DMM) Ourkey ingredient is an unsupervised approach for learning a setof 3D...
几篇论文实现代码:《One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing》(CVPR 2021) GitHub: 《SPLADE: Sparse Lexical and Expansion M...
We propose a neural talking-head video synthesis model and demonstrate its application to video conferencing. Our model learns to synthesize a talking-head video using a source image containing the target person's appearance and a driving video that dictates the motion in the output. Our motion ...
《Siamese Neural Networks for One-Shot Image Rec... Koch, Gregory, et al. Siamese NeuralNetworks for One-Shot... 31节伯克阅读 1,489评论 0赞 0 论文笔记 - OSVOS: One-Shot Video Object Segmentation 项目地址: Pitato阅读 3,796评论...
One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencingdoi:10.1109/CVPR46437.2021.00991Ting-Chun WangArun MallyaMing-Yu LiuIEEEComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Pytorch implementation of paper "One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing" - Add Timer in Exp TAB · Issue #9 · donghee/One-Shot_Free-View_Neural_Talking_Head_Synthesis
Although existing one-shot talking head methods have made significant progress in lip sync, natural facial expressions, and stable head motions, they still cannot generate diverse speaking styles in the final talking head videos. To tackle this problem, we propose a one-shot style-controllable ...