Free Module: The Trial of Chiefs- The party comes across a tribe in the wilderness that will not allow them entry into their sacred woods without completing the trial of the chief. Play Solo D&D With A Twist- A single player DnD module that you can play alone. Want to play Dungeons and...
What are the advantages and disadvantages of running one shots compared to campaigns? On definitions Technically, one-shot can mean different things to different people. It doesn't always literally mean a story that can be wrapped up in one session (though that is usually the goal). ... ...
One Shots: Not a bouncer we'd want to cross user9422077|5751d ago |Screenshot|0| ▼ Massively: "Many of the team here at Massively have either spent time roleplaying in tabletop campaigns, have RP'd online, or sometimes a bit of both! As such, we love to get in-character descript...