30 pH measurements are sampled from one group representing bottled drinking water labeled "alkaline" available to the general consumer. We wish to compare this measured mean with an expected advertised value of 8.5. This is the exact situation for which one should employ a one sample t test!
One sample t-testDaniel Navarro
在医学研究中,经常会探究某一样本均数与已知均数是否相同,如果该样本服从正态分布,则常用单样本t检验进行分析。通常可以使用GraphPad Prism软件行单样本t检验,但无法绘制相应图形。在前面文章中介绍了href="mengte.online/archives/">单样本t检验 (One Sample t-test)的假设检验理论,本文旨在介绍在GraphPad Prism中进行...
什么是 one-sample t-test? one-sample t-test 就是比较标准均值μ(理论值或者假设值)和样本均值。 通常理论均值来自:注意: one-sample t-test只能用于数据服从正态分布的情况。可以使用 Shapiro-Wilk test 检测数据是否服从正正态分布。 在统计学中,我们可以这样定义零假设(H0): ...
翻译http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/one-sample-t-test-in-r](http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/one-sample-t-test-in-r) 什么是 one-sample t-test? one-sample t-test 就是比较标准均值μ(理论值或者假设值)和样本均值。 通常理论均值来自: ...
First, compute the sample mean and standard deviation: Next, compute thet‐value: To test the hypothesis, the computedt‐value of 1.71 will be compared to the critical value in thet‐table. But which do you expect to be larger and which do you expect to be smaller? One way to reason...
What is a One Sample t test? A one sample t-Test compares test data to a specific value. It helps determine if the sample is greater than, less than or equal to the value. Note:Excel does NOT do one-sample t-tests; QI Macros adds this functionality. ...
①选择“Analyze (分析)”—“Compare Means (比较平均值)”—“One Sample T-Test (单样本t检验)” (图9)。 图9 ②在“One-Sample T-Test(单样本t检验)”对话框中将观察变量“Hb”选入右侧“Test Variable(检验变量)”框,在“Test Value...
用SPSS进行单样本T检验(One -Sample T Test) 在《0-1总体分布下的参数假设检验示例一(SPSS实现)》中,我们简要介绍了用SPSS检验二项分布的参数。今天我们继续看看如何用SPSS进行单样本T检验(One -Sample T Test)。看例子: 例1:已知去年某市小学五年级学生400米的平均成绩是100秒,今年该市抽样测得60个五年级...