Reign had readied her surrender position, as was the rule of the pirate code. She mumbled it to herself as she heard the footsteps get nearer and nearer, "Always surrender to an enemy you know nothing about, always surrender to an enemy you know nothing about," She mumbled, "Until ...
Allright. 好的 ?Loadme? ?Squeezeme? ?Cockme? ?Ah,shootme,shootme,sugar? ?Imamovingtarget,babyNoonesgottenthroughmeyet? ?Huh? ?Butitsworthashot? ?Itllbesomethingthatyouwontforget? ?Orregret? ?Imgonnabeyournexttattoo? ?AfterallthethingsImgonnadotoyou?
and runs to where they were “hidden.” (They weren’t hidden well – I tried to get them under the bed, but one of the boxes only half-fit, so it was jutting out. I’m going to be the laziest Mom-Santa ever, my kids will...
strapped both to each other and to a branching harness that tied them to her small trailer. The three youngest, strongest, hounds were unharnessed, waiting at the front of the team. “Alright kids, let’s go.”
Missouri Ink Tattoo Exhibition I was impressed by the volume and variety of pieces curated for the Main Gallery’s show.The center’sevents calendarlists upcoming art exhibitions. Relax in Comfort Country Inn & Suites by Radisson Country Inn & Suites by Raddison(1190 S. Main Street) is a mas...
Missouri Ink Tattoo Exhibition I was impressed by the volume and variety of pieces curated for the Main Gallery’s show.The center’sevents calendarlists upcoming art exhibitions. Relax in Comfort Country Inn & Suites by Radisson Country Inn & Suites by Raddison(1190 S. Main Street) is a mas...