InTA 3001, Bilbo concocted a plan to leave the Shire forRivendell, and both he and Gandalf had initially intended for Bilbo's nephew and adopted heirFrodoto inherit both Bilbo'sestateand the Ring. As the time came for Bilbo to give it up however, he became extremely reluctant to pass the...
Heating the Ring in even a small fire, however, would reveal part of Sauron's incantation in an Elvish script written along the Ring. According to Isildur, Sauron's hand was "black and yet burned like fire." (The Fellowship of the Ring) He also references how the script was visible ...
Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!Tom Bombadil (The Fellowship of the Ring) Tom Bombadil was a mysterious being that lived for much of the history of the world, being known in the Third Age to dwell i
… Whatisknown, however, is that Lovecraft, for all his pop-culture influence, was also terribly racist. His letters and literary work overflow with these sentiments, and in some cases it’s not even subtext. In 1912 he penned a poem titled “On the Creation of N—–s,” in which, as...
A few lines of the poem do, however, make it into the soundtrack at the departure from Lórien. Other samples of Elvish language from the books are treated similarly. However, Elvish (most often Sindarin) is spoken extensively in the film, with and without subtitles. The Elvish lines were...
Simulations Publicationscreated threewar gamesbased on Tolkien's work.War of the Ringcovered most of the events in theLord of the Ringstrilogy.Gondorfocused on the battle of Pelennor Fields, andSauroncovered the Second Age battle before the gates of Mordor. A war game based on theThe Lord of...
One of the Anglo-Saxon pieces of literature he studied is the epic poem Beowulf, about which he wrote essays such as The Monsters and the Critics. Interesting parallels can be found between The Hobbit and Beowulf. The plots of the two stories are very similar. In both of them a party ...
Bilbo posing with the ring Bilbo in the adaptation by Gene Deitch (1966) Bilbo Baggins (1978) Bilbo Baggins from the 2003The Hobbitgame Bilbo inThe Lord of the Rings Online Bilbo inThe Lord of the Rings: The Card Game,The Hunt for Gollum Adventure Pack ...