Though COVID-19 restrictions in Florida were among the most relaxed in the country, Universal Studios Florida still underwent a major dip in visitorship during the pandemic. The park welcomed slightly less than 4.1 million attendees in 2020, compared to the 10.9 million visitors who entered Univer...
Before China’s problematic hosting, the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics were held in ’21, delayed a year by COVID-19. Before that? The ’18 Winter Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, were a buzz-deprived ratings bust, at least in the U.S. and Europe. When Brazil was awarded the ’16 Ol...
A Packed Superdome When the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, and all NFL teams are allowed to attend home games again at maximum capacity, Saints fans will be ready to unleash the energy that turned the Dome into one of the toughest venues in the NFL for road teams. A Christmas Win...
However I digress, I said to my neighbour it was like a bank holiday weekend in mid-July and was hard to believe we were in a pandemic and people were supposed to be observing strict social distancing. Even the playground locked and with a big Covid-19 notice on the gate had kids in...
Mortgage rebates When shopping for a mortgage, lenders may offer incentives like lender credits or reverse points, which can help offset closing costs—but usually in exchange for a higher interest rate. There may also be separate tax-related rebates associated with mortgages. ...