Psychos will now use their True Vault Hunter Mode name in True Vault Hunter Mode Removed the optional Rare Spawn missions from Galaxy Progress Addressed a reported bug where Completely Sane Sid didn't always become hostile when using FL4K Addressed a reported bug where Ratch would not properly ...
仍然很沮丧 了解 Clothes Over Psychos 神经病服饰 coming this fall to prisons everywhere. 这季会出现在各地监狱的 Hey, Brooke. 嗨 布鲁克 Alexander Coyne. 亚历山大·科因 Millicent Huxtable. Nice to meet you. 米莉森·赫克斯塔博 很高兴见到你 Do you need help with anything? 你需要什么帮助吗 Just ...
We the People in USA have MORE power – as the LABOR who actually know what the hell we are doing when managing the material world – than the 24/7 e-WORDS (truly just pure NOISE now) of the psychos and sociopaths and flying monkey mercenaries brought together by *money lenders* to co...