One Plus Partnership Limited’s creative inspiration for each project is focused on a specific theme. Each novel and unique design element is incorporated into the project keeping with the selected theme.
One Plus’s creative inspiration for each project is focused on a specific theme. Each novel and unique design element is incorporated into the project keeping with the selected theme.
网络释义 1. 壹正企划有限公司 ... 肖邦 (集成厨房产品) CHOPIN壹正企划有限公司One Plus Partnership Limited武汉摩尔城电影院 Wuhan Pixel Box Cine…|基于9个网页 2. 香港壹正企划有限设计公司 ...新概念「皮克斯」(PIXEL) 形象馆,刚好与知名动画工作室同名,他们聘请香港壹正企划有限设计公司(One...
ONE PLUS PARTNERSHIP LIMITED 壹正企划 NOVO LAND的空间设计以一种全新且充满艺术的方式来表现北欧生活中所崇尚的自然感觉。对于本案的升级,设计师想到给空间进行 “换装” ,如同服装搭配一样——在原有设计格调基...
One Plus Partnership Limited has 1 project published in our site, focused on:Hospitality architecture. Data based on built projects on our site. Updated daily. Aix Arôme Café / One Plus Partnership Limited Coffee Shop • Shenzhen,China ...
one plus partnership limitedCompetitionline
壹正企划(One Plus Partnership)认为“设计可以美化生活,令生活更丰富、更舒服”,先为不同项目制订设计主题,并融入独特的设计元素,使用大胆的色彩、材质和灯光。无论是重新唤醒香港人记忆的铜锣湾时代广场UA Cine Times电影院,还是打破大家对“星”既有概念的武汉Starz
One Plus Partnership Ltd, Unit 1604, 16/F, Eastern Centre, 1065 King's Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong (China) OTHER AWARDS: 2012, Best Interiors Category Winner, Good Design Is Good Business China Awards, China (Chongqing Mountain and City Sales Office) ...
Firm One Plus Partnership Limited Type Commercial›Retail STATUS Built YEAR 2019 In traditional Chinese culture, the jade seal is an important heirloom with inheritance significance. The seal represents the rights and integrity of not just individuals, families, but even nations. Therefore, the meani...
Architects: One Plus Partnership Area: 1600 m² “Mountain” being selected as the main theme of this clubhouse, the design is inspired by the location of the project - Chongqing Nanshan District. The clubhouse is located in a valley surrounded by hills. Save this picture!Courtesy of One Pl...