Choose the size of your phone's virtual memory with RAM Plus in Device care. Go with more to boost performance or less to save storage space. Battery and security info at a glance Device care now shows you battery and security issues on the main screen so you can solve problems quickly....
AccessKey ID和Secret自己去阿里云控制台找来天上去就可以。 3. Filebrowser 推荐灯大的Filebrowser,灯大在原版的基础上添加了很多功能,而且可以调用核显解码直接播放视频。此外,filebrowser就是一个网页版的文件管理器,管理起来很高效。而且这个filebrowser配合域名登录可以快速的生成分享链接,比群晖的文件分享更快更好...
- _ ~ 字母,数字属于绝对不编码字符 // RFC3986文档规定,编码格式 %HH // W3C标准中规定,查询字符串中的空格,需要编码为+, 解码则是+转空格 static std::string UrlEncode(const std::string url, bool convert_space_to_plus) { std::string res; for (auto &c : url) { if (c == '.' || ...
fastboot flash boot twrp-3.3.1-2-guacamole.img 5.重启手机后进入TWRT recovery 接着按步骤操作: recovery-->高级-->ADB Sideload 在PC端输入: adb sideload 来再次刷入TWRT,这样就完成了。 Ⅲ进入TWRT,格式化date ...
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and security. our thinksystem flash array transform data center economics by using data reduction technologies."},"id":"page111b96c6-5437-406b-a27c-add18db612c2"},"h2":"","h3":"","title":"isg-series-unified-storage-content","urledit":0,"usersegment":"","pagetype2":"","contact...
Child Temperature DH; improved ESP32 WiFi stability; "Last Updated" date and time on all Child Devices; added support for the Adafruit TCS34725 Color Illuminance sensor; added noise filtering and linearization algorithm to PS_Voltage class; plus numerous small tweaks (view Github History for ...
You can customize the firmware by enabling/disabling various compile options, this allows us to remove certain firmware features in order to make room in the flash for others. You'll find the options at the top of "Makefile" ('0' = remove code, '1' = include code) .. ENABLE_CLANG ...
AccessKey ID和Secret自己去阿里云控制台找来天上去就可以。 3. Filebrowser 推荐灯大的Filebrowser,灯大在原版的基础上添加了很多功能,而且可以调用核显解码直接播放视频。此外,filebrowser就是一个网页版的文件管理器,管理起来很高效。而且这个filebrowser配合域名登录可以快速的生成分享链接,比群晖的文件分享更快更好...