首先是颜色上,一加7 Pro的颜色官方称其为"星雾蓝",一加7T Pro则叫"海月蓝",实际观感后者相较于前者颜色更浅一些,从背面顶部往下颜色逐渐浅化,还真有点海天蓝月的感觉。 (左一加7 Pro,右一加7T Pro) 除了颜色的区别,7T Pro的激光对焦也从 7Pro的摄像头中位置间转移到了左侧。 (左一加7 Pro,右一加7T...
现在说下硬件方面,此次One Plus 7Pro 在硬件方面是真的香,搭载采用7mm的骁龙855,最高运行内存为12G,(其他运行内存有6G和8G)储存内存最高258G(如果储存内存更高点就好了{:5_tqi:})这样的配置,无论在体验上,都是极致的,而且在运行各类app上也是直接变声VIP了,游戏上的启动速度也是更加快了,这自然也是在体验方...
One Plus.|Upgrade your OnePlus 7 Pro or 7T Pro with a premium AMOLED display, ensuring pixel-perfect resolution and vibrant colors. Each screen is rigorously tested for quality and comes with a complete LCD kit for easy installation.
这样的一款手机在同等价位中算是性价比超高了! OnePlus一加 13 电竞 游戏 5G 全网通 手机 高通骁龙8 至尊版 旗舰芯 6000mAh 冰川电池 AI 智能 想要 发布于2天前 新疆维吾尔自治区 相关推荐 App内查看更多 情人节必备!FUJIFILM拍立得miniSE mini7,定格你们的甜蜜瞬间 ️ AA盗天魔尊 1 用了9年微信,才知道...
1. Product model: It is a screen assembly suitable for OnePlus 7/7T/7 Pro, divided into no frame. 2. Product quality: Super AMOLED screen, excellent quality 3, product situation: The screen without a frame is refurbished. The screen is removed from the phone. There will be stains and ...
6.67" Original Amoled Display For OnePlus 7 Pro 7Pro 7TPro Touch Screen For One Plus 7 7T Pro 7Pro 1+7Pro 1+7T Pro LCD + frame Packing: It would be good to pack the silk screen in bubble bags + a sturdy cardboard box.
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Today, the OnePlus 7T goes on sale in the US, and I can safely say that if you're in the market for a new phone, it should be a front-running contender. Loaded with flagship features, at $599 the 7T is almost a no-brainer.