9月3日,中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会(简称“中国绿发会”,“绿会”)国际部收到“同一个星球峰会”(One Planet Summit,OPS)致信,受邀参加将于9月6日举办的世界自然保护联盟的世界自然保护大会(IUCN WCC)成果分享会。为推动中国深度参与全球环境治理,绿会国际部现将相关信息发布,与“绿会融媒”...
9月3日,中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会(简称“中国绿发会”,“绿会”)国际部收到“同一个星球峰会”(One Planet Summit,OPS)致信,受邀参加于9月6日举办的世界自然保护联盟的世界自然保护大会(IUCN WCC)成果分享会。 为推动中国深度参与全球环境治理,绿会国际部现将相关信息发布,与“绿会融媒”读者共赏。
our planet by:_AB_ 459 Living Planet by:One5640856095 9086 Planet Money by:梦中的搬运工 6493 Grammer planet by:Lynn240 798 Planet Crusher-Bonecrusher by:嘻哈有态度 2115 Little Human Planet by:Victor_Zhao 5462 Little Human Planet by:Katherine__Yang ...
The One Planet Summit fosters a space for loving collaboration, and focuses on how business can support humanity beyond traditional goals. Join us as leaders and visionaries come together to pave a new path in business, defined by Spiritual Enterprise.ABOUT...
L’ambition de "One Planet Summit" est de participer à la construction d’une dynamique de mobilisation politique dans la séquence internationale qui conduira à la COP15. En montrant qu’il est possible d’agir pour...
The One Planet Summit App is an innovative conference companion designed exclusively for attendees of the annual One Planet Summit. This multifunctional app enh…
【文化】#让我们的地球再次伟大# 同一个星球,同一片蓝天 | One Planet Summit à Paris “一个星球”峰会 12月12日 塞纳河音乐城 在《巴黎协定》通过两周年之际,为进一步推动其执行,法国总统马克龙于周二在法国巴黎举办“一个星球”气候行动融资峰会。
At Summit One Vanderbilt, you might find yourself looking inward at the observatory itself as much as looking out.
Q: All eyes were on biodiversity at the One Planet Summit. What were the takeaways? Edith Martin (EM): 2020 was supposed to be a big year for biodiversity with COP15 and the promise of a Paris-style agreement for nature. Of course, COVID-19 put these on hold, but it also put the...
b The Sahel region's Great Green Wall Initiative received a major boost from the African Development Bank ( B AfDB b ) on January 11th. The Bank has made the Sahel region a top priority for investment and mobilising new sources of finance to advance Africa's climate opportunit...