↑8.08.1SBSOne PieceManga —Vol. 68(p. 82), Law's age and height are revealed. ↑SBSOne PieceManga —Vol. 84(p. 42), Law's age after timeskip and history of his crew's formation are revealed. ↑SBSOne PieceManga —Vol. 59(p. 130), Law's birthday is revealed. ...
One Piece Encyclopedia is a database that anyone can edit about the Shonen Jump anime and manga series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda, that features Monkey D. Luffy and other pirates.
As Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew travel through distant locations and islands in search of One Piece, they come across various characters and animals as well, some of which they befriend and some who turn out to be their adversaries or an obstacle in their journey. As the One Piece...
One Piece Encyclopedia adalah basis data yang dapat disunting siapa saja tentang serial anime dan manga Shonen Jump One Piece yang dibuat oleh Eiichiro Oda, yang menampilkan Monkey D. Luffy dan bajak laut lainnya.
One Piece Trafalgar Law (Child) One Piece ☰ Menu >>> ID20444 NameTrafalgar Law Other Namesトラファルガー・ロー Wealth10 RoleUnsorted FromOne Piece Media Typeanime Voiced ByHiroshi Kamiya, 神谷浩史, かみや ひろし Voiced ByVagner Fagundes, , ...
En la cuenta detwitterde One Piece wiki en español dirigida porAcXAcXyCracker-Kunpodrás encontrar noticias, opiniones, curiosidades y mucho más: Síguenos Comunidad fanon Puedes crear tu propio personaje, habilidad o historia sobreOne Pieceenla comunidad Fanon oficial. ...
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 21 are from the movie One Piece: Episode of Skypiea.
One Piece Wiki Otros usuarios como tú han visto Nico Robin Roronoa Zoro Sanji Usopp Tony Tony Chopper Páginas más visitadas esta semana Fruta del diablo 1 Monkey D. Luffy 2 Scopper Gaban 3 Trafalgar D. Water Law 4 Piratas de Sombrero de Paja ...
This is a wiki about fan created characters, Devil Fruits, and anything else that your sense of adventure and craziness desires! Sail far and wide while you create anything related to One Piece! You can create an article by clicking on the Community Tab in the Navigation Bar on the top of...
Free Will is a song, sung by Ruppina, for the 9th ending of the One Piece anime. It is also the first ending to be featured in the English Funimation dub that was sung by Kristine Sa. This ending is also interesting as it shows glimpses of Nico Robin's p