"the Man Closest to One Piece" (ワンピースに最も近い男, Wan Pīsu ni mottomo chikai otoko?)[44] Marco: "the Phoenix" (不死鳥マルコ, Fushichō Maruko?)[45] Portgas D. Ace: "Fire Fist" (火拳のエース, Hiken no Ēsu?)[46] Jozu: "Diamond" (ダイヤモンド・ジョズ, Daiya...
Akainu wore a red suit and cancontrol magma. Fujitora wears a purple yukata and cancontrol gravity. Ryokugyu wears green pants and cancontrol plants. Most of the canonical Admirals (excluding Fujitora & Sengoku) all have a Logia Devil Fruit, the rarest of the 3 types. ...
One Piece is the story of Monkey D. Luffy who became a rubber man after accidently eating a Devil Fruit. In his quest, Luffy builds his crew and continues on his adventure to find the mysterious treasure One Piece.
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise is a video game for the Nintendo's Wii console based on the popular manga and anime One Piece. The game, which is a sequel to One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, was released in two episodes which act as parts of a single story. T
The Blackbeard Pirates flee from Admiral Akainu.Weeks later, the crew makes their move in the New World, taking out Jewelry Bonney in the process. While the crew is seen bickering amongst each other, Doc Q speaks of heavenly gods and destiny. The Blackbeard Pirates' raft was brought close...
动画 角色 Quotes All Characters in One Piece: Stampede PicCVRomajiJapaneseFuriganaAliases CV: Rebeca ZadraAnnアン CV: Marco Aurélio CamposBartolomeoバルトロメオ CV: Douglas GuedesBasil Hawkinsバジル・ホーキンスThe Magician CV: Bia DellamonicaBoa Hancockボア・ハンコックThe Pirate Queen ...
Search Anime Characters Quotes All Characters in One Piece: Stampede Pic CV Romaji Japanese Furigana Aliases CV: Rebeca Zadra Ann アン CV: Marco Aurélio Campos Bartolomeo バルトロメオ CV: Douglas Guedes Basil Hawkins バジル・ホーキンス The Magician CV: Bia Dellamonica Boa Hancock ボア...
Utaon theOne PieceWiki Utaon theHeroesWiki Navigation Show Villains & Crews Admiral: Ten Titanic Captains:||| & Crews Administration:| Officer Agents:||| Frontier Agents:||| Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
The naruto team alone stomp lol even if you add the one piece team to the other guys 6 months ago #3Edited ByKGL The Naruto team is weak, gets evaporated by Akainu's passive heat. Primebeard solos. OP team stomps. 6 months ago ...
Luffy D. Monkey (ルフィ・D・モンキー, Rufi D. Monkī), also known as "Straw Hat" Luffy (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi) and commonly as "Straw Hat" (麦わら, Mugiwara), is one of the main protagonists of the manga and anime series, Fairy One Piece T