The world is an as-of-yet-unnamed planet on which One Piece takes place. While similar to real-life Earth in many aspects, it is drastically different in others. The world primarily consists of the Blue Sea with the Red Line as its only continent. A lot
One Piece Encyclopedia adalah basis data yang dapat disunting siapa saja tentang serial anime dan manga Shonen Jump One Piece yang dibuat oleh Eiichiro Oda, yang menampilkan Monkey D. Luffy dan bajak laut lainnya.
Foreign versions of One Piece: Vol. 26. Chapter titles: Vol. 39, Chapter 375. Original five-year plan: Vol. 42, Chapter 405. Volume chapter count: Vol. 43, Chapter 417; Vol. 53, Chapter 517. One Piece logo: Vol. 44, Chapter 429. Kochikame cameo: Vol. 45, Chapter 432. Shonen Ju...
One Piece Encyclopedia is a database that anyone can edit about the Shonen Jump anime and manga series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda, that features Monkey D. Luffy and other pirates.
One Piece (Anime) 播放期间 1999年10月20日 - 话数 1035话(2022年10月) 更多的资讯,请参见:ONE PIECE (消歧义) 1999年10月在富士电视台开始上映东映制作的同名电视动画。 目录 1制作人员 2主题曲 3各话标题 4片头语 5参考资料 制作人员 原作:尾田荣一郎 ...
One Piece Official - FUNimation'ın resmi One Piece sitesi. Bölümleri çevrimiçi izleyin ve en son aboneleri Japonyada yayınlandıktan bir saat sonra görün. Weekly Shōnen Jump - One Piece mangasının yayınlandığı resmi dergi. One Piece Manga - Viz Media...
Mundo de One Piece Mangá Anime Personagens Espécies de Animais Ajude-nos Ajude esta Wiki criando uma página. Respeite nossas Políticas Gerais, portanto antes de criar uma página certifique-se que ela ainda não existe. Não sabe qual página criar? Aqui estão algumas páginas que ...
One Day[1] —синглгруппы «The Rootless», которыйиспользовалсявкачестве 13 опенингаканиме One Piece. 12 опенингомбыл Strong World, аследующимопенингомб
↑One PieceManga —Vol. 106Chapter 1066(p. 14), Saul's survival is confirmed. ↑One PieceManga and Anime —Vol. 56Chapter 551(p. 6) andEpisode 460, Rouge dies smiling after naming her child. ↑One PieceManga and Anime —Vol. 58Chapter 573(p. 6) andEpisode 482, Ace is seen with...