Top Decks (OP09) 1. Blue Doflamingo 32.38% Featured Decklist 1st Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Jasper Zowiesyah 2. Black/Yellow Luffy 17.50% Featured Decklist 11th Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Elliot Charters 3. Black Lucci ...
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Verdict: As the other Ultimate deck in the One Piece Card Game, it’s unsurprising that this sealed box is also stuffed full of competitively-viable cards. Some of the Red cards here are reprints, including Nami and Zoro, but they’re both played in top meta decks built around Straw H...
In One Piece Green: Secret Pieces, an early concept of the crew was revealed.[56] No changes in particular are seen in Luffy, Zoro and Nami aside from a few small ones, such as Zoro carrying a bottle of sake on his waist, wearing a dark shirt rather than a white one, and Nami's...
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