Deck Builder Tournament Platform Top Decks (OP09) 1. Blue Doflamingo 32.38% Featured Decklist 1st Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Jasper Zowiesyah 2. Black/Yellow Luffy 17.50% Featured Decklist 11th Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Elliot Charters ...
Verdict: As the other Ultimate deck in the One Piece Card Game, it’s unsurprising that this sealed box is also stuffed full of competitively-viable cards. Some of the Red cards here are reprints, including Nami and Zoro, but they’re both played in top meta decks built around Straw H...
I usually play on theTCG Match Making Discord server. This particular server is widely agreed to be the best among mostOne Piecefans, mainly because there’s a healthy squad of moderators who also act as ranked judges. Is Bandai making an officialOne Piece Card Gamedigital version? As of w...
The newest One Piece Card Game expansion, OP05 Era of a New Awakening has shaken up the competitive metagame in a big way for the first time in nearly a year. Over the past few sets, three decks in particular have been at the forefront of every tournament those being Edward Newgate, R...
Bandai Namco One Piece Card Game Zoro and Sanji Starter Deck About this item Product details Sold as Unit/Each ➀Luffy, Law, Kid: The three captains are all here! The three captains bring with them many members of their crews, including Zoro and Killer!
Specifications: Material: 400g Coated Paper Recommend Age: 14+y, 18+ Theme: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Animals & Nature TCG: Card Game ACG: Ace Craft: Refraction OPCG: OP03 Features: **Immersive Gaming Experience** Dive into the world of One Piece with the 54-piece TCG OPCG OP03 card set,...
The company introduced the one piece TCG booster box consisting of an exciting world of pirates, battles and hunting treasures with the help of cards in the one piece world. Creating a formidable pirate crew is what the deck building means. The various boo...
The last of the genuine championship threats inOne Piece‘s eighth set metagame, Jewelry Bonney flies the mid-range flag high among control and combo in the top ranks. Bonney’s Green deck is mainly themed around Supernovas and stalling to play huge lategame threats, including bonafide finish...