许多粉丝认为Stussy可能会在蛋糕岛事件中卷入重大事件。然而,尾田荣一郎有其他想法,决定专注于草帽海贼团和大妈海贼团。由于同一地点有这么多知名人物,将Stussy留到后面出场是有道理的。忠诚的盟友 Egghead arc的一大惊喜之一是Stussy与MADS和Vegapunk的关系。正当CP0在战斗中占据上风时,Stussy决定介入,阻止他们对Vegap...
许多粉丝认为Stussy可能会在蛋糕岛事件中卷入重大事件。然而,尾田荣一郎有其他想法,决定专注于草帽海贼团和大妈海贼团。由于同一地点有这么多知名人物,将Stussy留到后面出场是有道理的。忠诚的盟友 Egghead arc的一大惊喜之一是Stussy与MADS和Vegapunk的关系。正当CP0在战斗中占据上风时,Stussy决定介入,阻止他们对Vegap...
One Piece: StampedeShe was present during the Pirates Festival alongside other members of CP0. After Douglas Bullet's defeat, Stussy met with the rest of the CP0 members, watching as Lucci reported on the incident.[37] Concludes non-canon section....
发布时间:2024-10-18 14:17:08 作品图尺寸:834x1000 编号:1701771 下载大图 触站网提供One Piece: Stussy图片壁纸浏览,此图片壁纸由P站画师iurypadilha2024-10-18 14:17:08所发布,点击右侧关注按钮可随时查看你所喜欢画师发布的图片壁纸,还可将One Piece: Stussy图片壁纸收藏下载 喜欢0 收藏0 分享 举报热门...
地球上最伟大的思想家 为MADS提供行动基地的研究设施是一艘明轮蒸汽船,它被设计为和平研究实验室,旗帜上印有“和平主义者”(Pacifist)的字样。另一方面,船体上刻有“MADS”和“由Lu Feld赠送”,承认地下人物在支持该组织研究方面的作用。就像《One Piece》世界中的许多建筑形式一样,这艘船的比例被夸张到了一...
Stussy is doing housechores with Profile Anime girl Stussy is a character from One Piece. They have been indexed as Female Adult with Blue eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Neck length. TraitAppears asOfficial Gender Female Eye Color Blue Hair Color Blonde / Yellow Hair Le...
A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy: Stussy suddenly knocked out Lucci to the Straw Hats' surprise, and when Shaka reveals her true identity, they're stunned again. Meanwhile, a major incident occurs on an island called Sphinx where Whitebeard ca
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One Piece is a popular anime series that has been running since 1997. It has had many One Piece filler episodes, which have been used to extend the show for various reasons. This list will detail the One Piece Filler List and their respective information. One Piece is a Japanese manga ...
471.欢乐街女王,斯图西Stussy;高利贷王,福之神,杜·费德尔,Du·feld;大手殡仪师,迪巴格·皮耶特罗Dbug·Peclo;世界经济报报社社长,Big News 摩尔冈斯,情报操控专家Morgans;仓储业老店长,藏匿师,基伯森,Gibercon;海运王,深层海流,乌秘特,Umit。860-8P 472.世经报社和Germa有很深渊源。 473.大妈次子,夏洛特·卡...